SCHAUFFELBERGER, Daniel Franz. Paris 1819 — 1???. Swiss Student of Classical Philology and Indology. Son of Daniel Franz Sch. of Neuchâtel and Eleonora Lardy. Educated in Neuchâtel and Geneva. Studies at Tübingen, Halle and Bonn. Ph.D. 1845 Bonn. In his vita he himself states that he was born in 1819…

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SCHAEDER, Hans Heinrich

SCHAEDER, Hans Heinrich. Göttingen 31.1.1896 — Göttingen 13.3.1957. German Iranian and Semitic Scholar. Professor in Berlin and Göttingen. Son of Erich Schaeder (1861–1936; Professor of Theology at Göttingen 1896-99, Kiel 1899-1918, and Breslau). Interrupted school in Kiel in 1914 and joined the army as voluntary, served in France, Lithuania and…

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SCHACHT, Hans. Gränichen, Aargau 21.3.1863 — 19??. Swiss Teacher interested in Sanskrit. Educated at Collège classique de Sion and Gymnase classique de Lausanne. Studies of classics (and Sanskrit?) at Berlin University. Ph.D. 1890 Berlin. After a while as private tutor in Łodz he taught in 1895-98 at Collège and École…

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ŠČERBATSKOJ, Fëdor Ippolitovič (Theodor Scherbatskoy)

ŠČERBATSKOJ, Fëdor Ippolitovič (Theodor Scherbatskoy). Kielce, Poland 19.9.(1.10.)1866 — Borovoe, Kazakhstan 18.3.1942. Russian Indologist, specialist of Buddhist Philosophy. The name is somewhat problematic, but according to Russian colleagues (Vasil’kov) -koj (instead of -kij) seems well attested. Born in the then Russian part of Poland where his father, Ippolit Fëdorovič Šč.…

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SACHAU, Eduard

SACHAU, Eduard. Neumünster/Holstein 20.7.1845 — Berlin 17.9.1930. German Oriental (Arabic) Scholar. Professor in Berlin. Son of Claus Jacob Sachau, school in Rendsburg. Studies of Oriental, especially Semitic philology at Kiel and Leipzig (Fleischer). Ph.D. 1867 Halle. Catalogued the Persian manuscripts at Bodleian Library in 1869. From 1869 ao. and 1872…

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WINANS, Samuel Ross

WINANS, Samuel Ross. Lyons Farms, NJ 1.3.1855 — Princeton, NJ 25.7.1910. U.S. Classical Philologist also interested in Sanskrit. Son of the elder S. R. Winans and Ann D. Woodruff. Educated at Princeton (A.B. 1874, Ph.D. 1882). In 1876-81 tutor in Greek, 1881-83 adjunct Professor of Greek and instructor of Sanskrit,…

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WHEELER, Benjamin Ide

WHEELER, Benjamin Ide. Randolph, Mass. 15.7.1854 — Vienna, Austria 3.5.1927. U.S. Classical and IE Scholar. Son of Rev. Benjamin Wheeler (1807–1876), a Baptist priest, and Mary Eliza Ide. Studies at Brown University 1871-75 (A.B. 1875, A.M. 1878), instructor at the same 1879-81. In 1881-85 further studies in Germany: Leipzig, Heidelberg,…

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WECKER, Otto. Neuler/Rottenburg, near Tübingen 31.8.1882 — Göttingen 4.9.1965. German Indologist and Classical Scholar. Studies of philology at Berlin and Münster,then student of Garbe at Tübingen. Ph.D. 1905 Tübingen. Also Theologian, ordained priest in 1906. Worked as gymnasium teacher in Tübingen (1909), from 1913 in Hildesheimand later on (1923/39) in…

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WARREN, Sybrandus Johannes

WARREN, Sybrandus (Sieb) Johannes. Dokkum, Friesland 19.8.1847 — Rotterdam 3.1.1910. Dutch Indologist and Classical Philologist. Son of school director Johannes Henricus Warren (1809–1853) and Wytske Sjoerdina Fockema (1814–1896). In 1864-71 studied at Leiden Classics and Sanskrit, then teacher in Zwolle. Ph.D. 1875 Leiden (under Kern). Worked as schoolteacher of classical…

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WAGENER, Auguste

WAGENER, Auguste. Roermund (Netherlands) 8.6.1829 — Gand (Ghent) 14.5.1896. Belgian Classical Philologist. Professor in Ghent. Born in the Netherlands, son of Jan-Baptist Wagener, a teacher of Luxemburgian origin, and Catherine Reuter, educated in Roermund. In 1845-49 studied at Bonn Classics (Ritschl) and Sanskrit (Lassen). Ph.D. 1849 Bonn. A second doctorate,…

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