HUNTER, William

HUNTER, William. Montrose, Angus 1755 — Java ?.12.1812. British (Scottish) Physician in India. Educated at Marischal College and Aberdeen University (M.A. 1777). M.D. 1808. Joined the E.I.C.’S medical service in 1781. As naval surgeon 1782 he was driven to Burma by a storm. Worked as surgeon at Agra Residency, participated…

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HONIGBERGER, Johann Martin. Kronstadt (now Braşov) 10.3.1795 — Kronstadt (Braşov) 18.12.1869. Transylvanian Traveller and Self-Made Physician in India. Born in a Saxonian Jewish family in Transylvania, attended the local Lyceum. Then chemist’s apprentice in Kronstadt and Bistritza and became a pharmacist. In 1815 he wandered through Bukovina, Moldova and Valachia…

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HOLWELL, John Zephaniah

HOLWELL, John Zephaniah. Dublin 17.9.1711 — Pinner near London 5.11.1798. British Physician in India. Son of Zephaniah H. (d. 1729), a timber merchant, and Sarah Bott. Educated at Richmond and as a banker’s apprentice at Iselmond near Rotterdam, but disliked it and fled back to Ireland. Studied surgery at Guy’s…

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HILGENBERG, Luise. Essen 2.1.1886 — 1.2.1942. German Physician and Indologist. 1922 Bonn, Dr. phil. 1933 Bonn (under Kirfel). Practising physician in Bonn. Publications: Diss. med. Ueber Kindsmord in oder gleich nach der Geburt. 46 p. Bonn 1922. – Diss. phil. specimen of 20+40 p. 1933, whole work publ. as…

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HESSLER, Franz. Krombach bei Aschaffenburg 15.10.1799 — Munich 17.6.1890. German Physician and Indologist in Bavaria. Son of a farmer, educated in Aschaffenburg. Began his philological studies at Würzburg, then 1822-27 medicine and philology at Heidelberg, Erlangen and Würzburg. Ph.D. (dr. phil.) 1827 Würzburg. From 1828 Assistant Physician in Würzburg, 1830…

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HERKLOTS, Gerhard Andreas

HERKLOTS, Gerhard Andreas. Chinsura, West Bengal 28.2.1798 (hardly 1790) — Walajabad, Tamil Nadu 8.1.1834. Dutch Physician in British Service in India. Born in the Dutch colony of Chinsura, son of Gregorius Herklots (d. 1852) and Catharina Carolina Wankyf. Surgeon in the Madras Establishment. Married Mary Ann Williams (1802–1867), one son.…

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HENDLEY, Thomas Holbein

HENDLEY, Thomas Holbein. 21.4.1847 — London 2.2.1917. British Physician in India. Colonel. Educated privately and at St.Bartholomew’s Hospital in London. Joined Indian Medical service and worked 27 years under Foreign Department in India, as Residency Surgeon in Jaipur States. Colonel 1894. From 1898 Inspector General of Civil Hospitals and Fellow…

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JUKES, Andrew

JUKES, Andrew. Dunnville, Moulton, Haldimand, Canada West (Ontario) 1847 — 28.4.1931. British (Canadian) Medical Missionary in India. Educated at Blundell’s Son of Mark Richard Jukes (1817–1854, born in India!) and Harriet Maria Hole (1817–1854). The parents were British, married 1841 in England, but in 1842 already in Canada. They died…

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JACOB, Philip Whittington

JACOB, Philip Whittington. Faversham, Kent 11.1.1804 — Guildford, Surrey 26.12.1889. British Surgeon. Son of Rev. Stephen Long Jacob (1764–1851) and Eliza Susanna Bond, cousin of —> George Le Grand Jacob and uncle of George Ad. Jacob. Living in Guildford, served four times as mayor. Married 1838 Sarah Anne McLean, as…

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IMPEY, Elijah

IMPEY, Elijah George Halhed. Cawnpore (Kanpur) 21.9.1818 — Southampton 19.11.1868. British Physician in India. Son of Elijah Impey (1781–1821, from Ireland, not the famous judge in India Sir E.I. [1732–1809], but probably related) and Marian Bunn. From 1840 in Bombay Medical Service. Surgeon-Major of Bombay Horse Artillery, in 1856-68…

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