BOR, Norman Loftus

BOR, Norman Loftus. Tramore, County Waterford 2.5.1893 — London 22.12.1972. Irish Botanist. Son of Edward Bor and Mabel Thornton. Educated in Kilkenny and Dublin, studied medicine at Trinity College, but in 1914 joined the army. War service in Greece and Palestine, wounded 1916. B.A. 1921, M.A. 1927, Trinity College. B.Sc.…

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BATAILLARD, Paul Théodore

BATAILLARD, Paul Théodore. Paris 23.3.1816 — Paris 1.3.1894. French Archivist and Gipsy Scholar. Son of Pierre Charles B. and Agathe Vasse. Studies at Ecole de chartes. In the 1850s in French Indochine. From 1877 Archivist of Faculté de Médécine in Paris. Married 1849 Élisa Waldor (d. 1852, one daughter) and…

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ASTI VERA, Armando

ASTI VERA, Armando. Buenos Aires 25.6.1914 — Ibid. 3.2.1972. Argentinian scholar of Religion. Ph.D. Founder (in the late 1960s) and director of the Centro de Estudios de Religiones y Filosofías del Oriente in the Departe­mento de Filosofía y Letras of the Universidad de Buenos Aires. Started in 1970 teaching Sanskrit…

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ZUBATÝ, Josef. Prague 20.4.1855 (or 1851?) — Prague 21.3.1931. Czechoslovakian Indologist and Slavic Scholar. Professor in Prague. Studied classical philology, Czech, Sanskrit and Comparative Linguistics at Prague (under Ludwig). Ph.D. 1883. PD 1885 Prague, in the Czech branch of the University, succeeding Vaníček in Sanskrit teaching. From 1894 Professor of…

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WLISLOCKI, Heinrich von

WLISLOCKI, Heinrich Adalbert von. Kronstadt (now Braşov) 9.7.1856 — Klosdorf bei Kleinkopisch (now Şona in Translivania) 19.2.1907. Austrian Gypsy Scholar. His father was Polish-Austrian tax collector and mother a German of Transylvania, gymnasium in Kronstadt. In 1875-79 studied at Klausenburg (Cluj-Napoca), mainly Germanic, but also Sanskrit (Brassai). Ph.D. 1879 (diss.…

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WILLIAMS, William Holme.

WILLIAMS, William Holme. 18?? – 19??. U.S. Classical and Oriental Scholar. A.B. 1876 University of Wisconsin. From 1879 Instructor and 1883 Assistant Professor of Greek, 1889 Professor of Hebrew and Sanskrit at University of Wisconsin in Madison, started Sanskrit teaching there. From 1892 Professor of Semitic Languages and Hellenistic Greek…

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WAAG, Anatol

WAAG, Anatol. Elec, Russia 24.11.1906 — Zagreb 19??. Russian (German) Linguist and Iranian Scholar. From 1926 studies in Germany, never returned to Soviet Union. Studied German and Iranian at Leipzig ( under Hertel). Ph.D. 1931 Leipzig. Then Assistant at Leipzig in 1932-39.  PD 1939 Leipzig, moved soon to Zagreb. There…

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VOLCK, Wilhelm

VOLCK, Johann Christoph Wilhelm. Nürnberg 18.11.1835 — Rostock 29.5.1904. German Oriental Scholar and Theologian in Estonia. Professor at Dorpat (Tartu) and Rostock. Son of a factory owner, Andreas Volck, and Karoline Schürer. In 1853-57 studied philology and theology at Erlangen ( under Spiegel), for a while (1858-59) also at Leipzig.…

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VELJAČIĆ, Čedomil (Ñāṇajīvaka)

VELJAČIĆ, Čedomil (Ñāṇajīvaka). Zagreb 18.6.1915 — San Francisco, Calif. 28.12.1997. Croatian Classical Scholar, Philosopher, and Bauddha. Born in a Croatian Catholic family, son of a court secretary. Studied philosophy at Zagreb (B.A. 1939) and became teacher, soon director of gymnasium in Vis island. From 1944 member of the new Yugoslavian…

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VANDEN BERGHE, Louis. Oostnieuwkerke, West Flanders 24.12.1923 — Ghent 17.9.1993. Belgian Archaeologist and Iranian Scholar. Born in a Flemish family, educated at Roeselare College. Studies of archaeology and art history, then also Oriental languages at Ghent, Brussels, Amsterdam and Leiden. Ph.D. 1950 Ghent, then further studies in Teheran. From 1951…

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