KAEGI, Adolf

KAEGI, Adolf (orig. Kägi). Holderbaum bei Bauma, Canton Zürich 30.9.1849 — Rüschlikon, Canton Zürich 14.2.1923. Swiss Indologist, IE and Classical Scholar. Professor in Zürich. Son of the elementary school teacher Johann Jakob K. and Elisabetha Kündig. After gymnasium in Zürich, in 1868-71 studied at Zürich classical philology (under K. Bursian,…

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HYDE, Thomas

HYDE, Thomas. Billingsley near Bridgnorth, Shropshire 29.6.1636 — Oxford 18.2.1703. English Oriental (Arabic and Persian) Scholar, a Pioneer of Zoroastrian Studies. Professor in Oxford. Son of Ralph Hyde, vicar of Billingsley, and Anne Jennings, educated at Eton. In the age of 16 began Arabic studies at Cambridge under Wheelock. He…

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HUTH, Otto

HUTH, Otto. Bonn 9.5.1906 — Tübingen 1998. German Scholar of Religion. Professor in Tübingen. Son of a neuropathologist. Educated in Bonn. From 1925 studied theology at Bonn, Kiel and Marburg. Ph.D. 1932 Bonn (under C. Clemen in comparative religion). Joined the NSDAP in 1928. In 1935 met Hermann Wirth, collaborated…

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HURVITZ, Leon Nahum. Cambridge, MA 4.8.1923 — Vancouver 28.9.1992. U.S. Sinologist and Buddhist Scholar. Son of Benjamin H. and Rose Marcus, educated in Boston. Studies of Classics at Chicago, then war service in U.S. Army. After the WW II worked as interpreter in Japan, also studies there. Ph.D. 1959 Columbia…

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HUBER, Edouard

HUBER, Édouard (Eduard). Großwangen, Canton Luzern 12.8.1879 — Vinh Long, Vietnam 6.1.1914 (when 35). Swiss Sinologist and South-East Asian Scholar, also interested in Buddhism. Son of ev. pastor Anton H. (but German Wikipedia says he was owner of brick works), and Mathilde Vogel. Educated in Großwangen, Willisau and Solothurn. First…

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HOVELACQUE, Alexandre Abel. Paris 14.11.1843 — Paris 22.2.1896. French Iranian Scholar, Linguist and Anthropologist. Born of a family active in textile industry in Lille. Studied first law and took comparative grammar as an additional subject under H. Chavée. In 1869-77 editor of the Revue de linguistique. He became interested in anthropology…

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HORNER, Isaline Blew

HORNER, Isaline Blew. Walthamstow, Essex 30.3.1896 — London 25.4.1981. British Bauddha and Buddhologist. Born in a place now belonging to London, educated in Surrey. In 1914-17 studies at Cambridge (Newnham College). From 1918 Assistant Librarian at Newnham College. In 1921 visited Ceylon for the first time, then two years at…

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HOOYKAAS, Christiaan

HOOYKAAS, Christiaan. Amersfoort 26.12.1902 — ’s-Gravenhage 13.8.1979. Dutch Sanskrit and Indonesian Scholar. Son of a vicar, Isaäc H. and Eva Maria Faber. From 1921 studies of Sanskrit (Vogel) and Indonesian at Leiden, Ph.D. there 1929 in Javanese. In 1929-39 high school teacher in Java, mainly in Yogyakarta, in 1939-41 Government…

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HOGARTH, Edward Lucas

HOGARTH, Edward Lucas. Kirk Bramwith, Yorkshire 1841 — Maidenhead, Berkshire 13.11.1930. British Teacher and Scholar in India. Son of Henry H. and Isabella Lucas. Studies from 1859 at Brasenose College (B.A. 1862, M.A. 1868). Assisted Monier Williams in the first edition of his Sanskrit–English Dictionary and taught Sanskrit at Oxford…

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HOFINGER, Marcel François Joseph Julien. Liège-Angleur 29.12.1913 — Liège 10.1.1997. Abbé. Belgian Indologist, Buddhist and Classical Scholar. Professor in Louvain-la-Neuve. In 1931-37 studies of philology and theology at Liège, then classical and Oriental philology at Louvain (Lamotte). Dr. en Philol. et Histoire Orientale 1946 Université Catholique Louvain (Leuven). In 1942-49…

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