HENRY, Victor

HENRY, Victor. Colmar, Alsace 17.8.1850 — Paris 6.2.1907. French Indologist. Professor in Paris. Son of Édouard H. (d. 1856), teacher at Colmar collège, and Joséphine Grante, educated by his uncle Victor H. (d. 1864), also a teacher. Studied law at Strasbourg (licencié 1869) and Dijon (dr. 1872). Planning a career…

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HENNING, Walter Bruno

HENNING, Walter Bruno. Raging, Ostpreussen (now Neman in Russia) 26.8.1908 — Berkeley, Calif. 8.1.1967. German Iranian Scholar in the U.K. and U.S.A. Professor in London and Berkeley. Son of the local land registry director. Grew up in Köslin, Pomerania (now Koszalin in Poland), as child often ill. Originally studied mathematics…

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HEILER, Friedrich

HEILER, Johann Friedrich. Munich 30.1.1892 — Munich 28.4.1967 (N.D.B., Wikipedia has 18.4.). German Scholar of Comparative Religion. Professor in Marburg. Born in a Catholic family, son of Johann H., a teacher, and Anna Schilling. From 1911 studies of history of religion, theology, philosophy and Oriental languages at Munich, including Akkadian and…

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HEEREN, Arnold Hermann Ludwig

HEEREN, Arnold Hermann Ludwig. Arbergen near Bremen 25.10.1760 — Göttingen 6.3.1842. German Historian and Classical Scholar. Professor in Göttingen. Son of Heinrich Ehrhard Heeren, a clergyman, and Margarethe Wolters (d. 1770), educated under a tutor until 16, when family moved to Bremen and Heeren went to Gymnasium there. In 1779…

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JURET, Étienne Abel (or Abel-C. J.) Pierrecourt (Haute-Saône) 6.12.1872 — Nice (Alpes-Maritimes) 11.12.1963. French Classical Scholar and Linguist. Son of François J. and Reine Cardinal. Professor (probably of classics) at a school in Strasbourg and chargé de confer. for Sanskrit at the University (1935). Married 1919 Jeanne Lalouet. Publications: Diss.…

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JOHANSSON, Rune Edvin Arvid. Skåne 1918 — Spånga summer 1981 (when 63). Swedish Scholar of Pāli and Comparative Religion, specialist of Psychology of Religion. After studies of psychology (fil.lic. 1954) he taught for a while psychology as Lecturer at Lund. Employed in F.O.A. became interested in Buddhism and studied Sanskrit and…

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JOHANNSEN, Carl Theodor

JOHANNSEN, Carl Theodor. Nortorf, Holstein 8.11.1804 — Copenhagen 1.7.1840. Danish Oriental Scholar. Professor in Copenhagen. Son of a teacher, Johann J., and Catharina Kroymann, educated in Glückstadt. Studies of classical and Oriental languages at Kiel and Bonn. Ph.D. 1828 Bonn. Further studies in Paris, in 1830-31 Docent of Oriental Languages…

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JØRGENSEN, Hans Jensen. Oksbøl Mark, Als Island (then Prussian Schleswig-Holstein, now Denmark) 4.3.1886 — Copenhagen 6.2.1954. Danish Indologist (Newari Scholar). Born as Prussian citizen in a Danish peasant family, parents Jens J. and Helene Christiansen, educated at Oksbøl school and Haderslev gymnasium. From 1906 studies of classical philology and comparative…

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JAWORSKI, Jan. Sanniki, Masovia 31.10.1903 — Stargard, Pomerania 19.2.1945. Polish Sinologist interested in Buddhism. Son of Micheł J. and Stefania Sobocka. Studies in Warsaw (Schayer) and Paris (Przyluski). PD 1930 and eo. Professor 1936 at Warsaw. In 1934-36 worked in Polish consulate in Harbin. Nothwithstanding his failing health participated in…

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JARRETT, Thomas. 1805 — Trunch, Norfolk 7.3.1882. Rev. British Oriental Scholar. Professor in Cambridge. From 1823 studies at St.Catharine’s College, Cambridge (B.A. 1827, M.A. 1830). Ordained priest 1831. Fellow and Lecturer in Classics and Hebrew 1828-32. In 1831-54 Adam’s Professor of Arabic, from 1854 until his death Regius Professor of…

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