GREENOUGH, James Bradstreet

GREENOUGH, James Bradstreet. Portland, Maine 4.5.1833 — Cambridge, MA 11.10.1901. U.S. Classical Scholar and Linguist interested in Sanskrit. Professor at Harvard. Son of James and Catharine Gr. After Boston Latin School graduated A.B. in 1856 from Harvard College. Studied one year at Harvard Law School. Practised law in Marshall, Mich.…

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GRAY, Louis H.

GRAY, Louis Herbert. Newark, NJ 10.4.1875 — New York 18.8.1955. U.S. Indologist, Iranian Scholar and Linguist. Professor in New York. Studies at Princeton (A.B. 1896) and Columbia (A.M. 1898, Ph.D. 1900, under A. V. Williams Jackson). In 1900-02 chief cataloguer and Instructor of Indo-Iranian at Princeton, 1902-03 editor in the…

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GRASSMANN, Hermann Günther. Stettin 15.4.1809 — Stettin 26.9.1877. German Indologist and Mathematician. Schoolteacher in Stettin. Son of Justus Günter Gr. a teacher of mathematics, and Johanne Fredericke Louise Medenwaldt, educated in Stettin. From 1827 studies of theology at Berlin under Schleiermacher, also philology under Böckh and privately mathematics. In 1830…

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GOLOUBEW, Victor (Viktor Viktorovič Golubev). St.Petersburg 12.2.1878 — Hanoi 19.4.1945. Russian Art Historian in France. Born in a Crimean aristocratic family, son of engineer Viktor Fëdorovič G. (1842–1903) and Anna Petrovna Losev. In 1896-1900 studies of engineering in St.Petersburg, but was also led to history and archaeology by M. I.…

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GOLDZIHER, Ignász (Ignác, Ignaz G. Yitzhak Yehuda G.). Székesfehérvár 22.6.1850 — Budapest 13.11.1921. Hungarian Oriental (Hebrew and Arabic) Scholar. Professor in Budapest. Born in a Sephardic Jewish family, son of Adolf G. Obtained both gymnasial and Talmudic education. From 1865 studies at Pest (Vámbéry), Berlin (Rödiger) and Leipzig (Fleischer). Ph.D.…

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GOBLET D’ALVIELLA, Eugène, comte

GOBLET D’ALVIELLA, Eugène Félicien Albert, comte. Ixelles (Brussels) 10.8.1846 — Ibid. 9.9.1925. Belgian Scholar of Comparative Religion with special interest in India and Egypt, Lawyer and Liberal Politician. Professor in Brussels. Son of Count Louis G. d’A. (1823–1863), member of the Belgian House of Representatives, and Coralie d’Auxy de Neufvilles.…

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GOBINEAU, Joseph Arthur, “comte” de

GOBINEAU, Joseph Arthur, “comte” de. Ville d’Avray near Paris 14.7.1816 — Turin 13.10.1882. French Diplomat, Iranian Scholar and Theoretician of Pseudo-Scientific Racism. Son of Louis de G., a government official and eager royalist, who is said to have adopted the title of a count without right, and Magdeleine de Gercy.…

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GINZEL, Friedrich Karl

GINZEL, Friedrich Karl. Reichenberg (Liberec in Czech) 23.2.1850 — Berlin 29.6.1926. Austrian (Bohemian) Astronomer in Berlin. Son of Friedrich G. and his wife Helene. From 1877 Assistant at Th. von Oppolzer’s observatory in Vienna, in 1886 moved to Berlin, worked there at Astronomisches Rechen-Institut. Professor’s title 1899. Married, widower 1919.…

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GHIRSHMAN, Roman (Roman Mihajlovič Giršman). Harkiv 3.10.1895 — Budapest 5.9.1979. Russian (Ukrainian) Archaeologist of Iran in France. “Le duc de Suse”. Born in a wealthy Jewish family in Ukraina he became in 1914 an officer in Russian army and fought in WW 1 and in the White Army in Crimea.…

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GHILAIN, Antoine

GHILAIN, Antoine. Petit-Rœulx-les-Braine, Hainaut 25.1.1901 — Arguennes, Hainaut 1.4.1947. Abbé. Belgian Catholic Priest and Schoolteacher, Iranian Scholar specialized in Parthian. After school in Soignies attended the seminaries of Bonne-Espérance near Binche (Hainaut) and Tournai. Ordained as priest in 1924. Studied at Leuven (cand.phil. 1926), then taught Latin and Greek at…

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