CHEN (Ch’en), Kenneth K. S.

CHEN (Ch’en), Kenneth Kuan-Sheng. Honolulu 20.9.1907 — 25.4.1993. U.S. Indologist (Buddhist scholar). Son of Hua-hsiu Ch’en and Chu See. Studies at University of Hawaii (A.B. 1931), at Harvard-Yenching University in Peking (M.A. 1934), at University of California (in 1940-41), and at Harvard (Ph.D. 1946 in Buddhism and Indology, under Ingalls). In…

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SCHLEGEL, Gustaaf. Oegstgeest near Leiden 30.9.1840 — Leiden 15.10.1903. Dutch Sinologist. Son of museum director Hermann Schlegel, a German zoologist who had moved to the Netherlands in 1827, and Cornelia Buddingh. Gymnasium in Leiden. In 1857 went to China in order to collect bird specimens, but soon interested in languages…

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PERI, Noël

PERI, Noël. Cruzy-le-Châtel (Yvonne) 22.8.1865 — Hanoi 25.6.1922. Father. French Missionary and Sino-Japanologist. Ordained priest 1888. Served Paris Foreign Missions Society in Matsumoto (Nagano and Tokyo. With his broad philosophical views had difficulties with his more conservative colleagues and resigned in 1902, but visited often Japan almost until his death.…

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MAMMITZSCH, Ulrich Hans Richard. 1935 — Bellingham, Wash. 19.11.1990. U.S. (German-born) Sinologist and Scholar of Tibetan and Japanese Buddhism. Studied at Halle, in 1957 escaped from East Germany to West and settled in the U.S.A. Taught at Western Washington University, finally as director of East Asian Studies. Publications: “On the evolution of…

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KÜHN, Alfred

KÜHN, Alfred. 1911 — ????. German Sinologist. Ph.D. 1935 Leipzig. No certain evidence after 1942 (then he was in Wehrmacht). Publications: Diss. Berichte über den Weltanfang bei den Indochinesen und ihren Nachbarvölkern. Ein Beitrag zur Mythologie des Fernen Ostens. 177 p. Lp. 1935. – “Zwei Darstellungen des Padmasambhava”, Art. As. 5, 1935, 117-126;…

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HAENISCH, Erich. Berlin 27.8.1880 — Stuttgart 21.12.1966. German Sinologist and Mongolist. Professor. Son of an attorney, educated in Berlin. In 1899-1903 studied Chinese, Mongolian and Manchu at Berlin (W. Grube, also listened to Pischel and J. Oppert), Ph.D. 1904. In 1904-11 in China, teaching at military schools in Wuchang and…

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KALMER, Josef (born Joseph Kalmus). Nehrybka, Galicia (now in Poland) 17.8.1898 — Vienna 9.7.1959. Austrian Poet. Born in a Jewish family, son of Max Kalmus, an estate manager. School in Przemyśl and Czernowitz (Černivci) and from 1915 Vienna, after matriculation served as voluntary in WW I. After war studied law…

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BEHRSING, Siegfried

BEHRSING, Siegfried. Bremerfeld, near Weissenstein (now Prääma in Estonia) 9.11.(27.10.)1903 — Berlin 5.4.1994. German (originally from Estonia) Sinologist and Buddhist Scholar, in the beginning also an Indologist. Professor in Berlin (East). Born in the then Russian Estonia as a son of teacher (tutor, later Oberlehrer), Arthur B., went to school…

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STEIN, Rolf A.

STEIN, Rolf Alfred. Schwetz (now Świecie in Kujavia-Pomerania, Poland) 13.6.1911 — Paris 9.10.1999. French (born German Jew) Sinologist and Tibetan Scholar. Professor in Paris. In 1919 when their home town was ceded to Poland, the family moved to Berlin. Youthful interest in occultism led him to Tibetology. Studied Chinese at…

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SIMON, Walter

SIMON, Ernst Julius Walter (Ximen Xuade). Berlin 10.6.1893 — London 22.2.1981. German Sinologist and Sino-Tibetan Scholar in the U.K. Professor in London. Son of mathematician Heinrich Simon and Cläre Abraham. Studies of classical and Romance philology in 1911-14 at Berlin, 1915-18 in army. Employed in the university libraries in Kiel…

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