JAGER, Herbert de

JAGER, Herbert de. Zwammerdam near Leiden 1636 (1637?) — Batavia (Jakarta) 6.1.1694. Dutch Priest and Traveller. Son of a farmer. Studies of theology, of mathematics, botany, astronomy and Oriental languages (under Golius) at Leiden in 1657-62. In service of the Dutch E.I.C. in 1662-94, first in Batavia, 1666-70 in Persia…

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JACQUEMONT, Venceslas-Victor. Paris 8.8.1801 — Bombay 7.12.1832. French Botanist and Traveller in India. Born in a wealthy family, father Frédéric François Venceslas J. (1757–1836) being author of psychological speculations, mother was Rose Laisne. After Lycée Louis-le-Grand (then called (Lycée impérial) he studied natural sciences and medicine at Collège de France…

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HALÉVY, Joseph

HALÉVY, Joseph. Adrianople (now Edirne) 15.12.1827 — Paris 21.1.1917. French (originally Turkish Jew) Epigraphist, Semitist and Traveller. Professor in Paris, naturalized Frenchman. Taught Hebrew in Jewish schools in Adrianople and Budapest (or Bucharest?), studied Oriental languages and archaeology. In 1865 came to Paris. In disguise of a Rabbi from Jerusalem…

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HAAFNER (Haffner), Jacob

HAAFNER (Haffner), Jacob Godfried. Halle 13.5.1754 — Amsterdam 4.9.1809. Dutch (German-born) traveller and precursor of Indology. His father, originally from Alsace (Colmar), was sent by his catholic parents to monastery, but ran away and studied medicine at Halle, where he also married and adopted Lutheran confession. He brought the boy…

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GRÜBER, Johann

GRÜBER, Johann Baptist (Bai Năixīn). Linz 28.10.1620 (or 1623) — Sárospatak 30.9.1680. S.J. Austrian Missionary and Traveller. Early years poorly known. After Jesuit gymnasium in Linz joined S.J. in 1641 in Vienna. After studies of philosophy and mathematics in Vienna, Leoben and Graz he was gymnasium teacher in Leoben, Graz…

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GROSE, John Henry

GROSE, John Henry. London 24.8.1732 — in or after 1774. British Civil Servant in India. Son of Francis Gr., a jeweller of Swiss origin, educated in London. He went to Bombay in 1750 and became writer in the E.I.C.’s service. Member of the Society of Arts. Back in England lived…

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GRENARD, Fernand

GRENARD, Joseph-Fernand. Paris 4.7.1866 — Paris 1.4.1945. French Traveller. Companion of Dutreuil de Rhins in his travels of exploration in Central Asia and Tibet. Son of telegraph official Alphonse Gr. and Jenny Panthin. Studied at École des sciences politiques and É.L.O.V. For particulars of the travel see —> Dutreuil de…

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GORDON, Thomas Edward

GORDON, Thomas Edward. Aberdeen 12.1.1832 — Kensington (London) 23.3.1914. Sir. British (Scottish) Colonial Officer in India. Son of captain William G. and Maria Carlotta Loi (of Spain), educated at Edinburgh Military Academy, with his twin brother (Sir John James Hood Gordon, 1832–1904) entered the army (the 4th regiment) in 1849,…

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GÓIS, Bento de (Benedictus Goes)

GÓIS, Bento de (Benedictus Goes). Vila-Franca-do-Campo, Ilha de S. Miguel (Azores) 1562 — Suzhou, Gansu, China 11.4.1607. S.J. Portuguese Missionary and Traveller in India and China. Originally a jew, baptized in 1572 as Luís Gonçalves, took the name B. de G., when joined the S.J. as lay brother. Came to…

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GERARD, James G.

GERARD, James Gilbert. Aberdeen 1795 — Sabathu (Himachal Pradesh) 31.3.1835. British (Scottish) Military Physician and Explorer in India. Son of Gilbert G. (1760–1815), D.D., and Helen Duncan, brother of —> Alexander Gerard and —> Patrick Gerard. Entered Bengal Medical Service in 1814 as assistant surgeon, 1826 surgeon, served in the…

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