CAPUS, Guillaume

CAPUS, Guillaume. Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg 25.8.1857 — Boulogne-sur-Seine 27.4.1931. Luxembourgian Scientist and Explorer in France (naturalized 1882). Worked in Musée d’Histoire naturelle, Paris. Dr.-ès-sciences 1879. Travelled as Bonvalot’s assistant in Caucasus and Russian Central Asia (1882) and in Iran, Afghanistan, Pamir and Kashmir (1886-87), later in Balkan (1894). In 1897-1907 in…

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UHTOMSKIJ, Esper Esperovič,

UHTOMSKIJ, Esper Esperovič, Prince. Oranienbaum (now Lomonosov) 26.8.1861 — Detskoe Selo 26.11.1921. Russian Scholar, Collector, Traveller, Political Thinker, Entrepreneur and Publisher. Son of Esper Alekseevič U. (d. 1885), a naval officer, of ancient boyar family, and Evgenija Alekseevna Greig (1835–1870). Studies of philosophy and Slavonic at St.Petersburg, graduated 1884. Entered…

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SILVERSTONE, Marilyn (Bhikshuni Ngawang Chödrön). London 9.3.1929 — near Kathmandu 28.9.1999. U.S. Photojournalist and Buddhist Nun. Daughter of Murray Silverstone (1895–1965), a film director and the son of a Polish immigrant to the U.S.A., for a while working in London, and his wife Dorothy. Grew up in Scarsdale, NY, graduated…

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PITTMAN, Richard S.

PITTMAN, Richard Saunders (Dick). Streator, Ill. 19.2.1915 — Waxhaw, Union, NC 21.8.1998. U.S. Linguist. Son of glass manufacturer Edwin John Pittman and Louise Shepard. Graduated 1936 from Asbury College. In 1940-50 lived in Tetelcingo, Mexico, doing linguistic fieldwork, and continued his studies in the U.S.A., first at University of Michigan,…

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LANDOR, Arnold Henry Savage

LANDOR, Arnold Henry Savage. Florence 2.6.1865 — Florence 26.12.1924. British Painter, Writer and Traveller. Son of Charles Savage L. and grandson of the poet Walter S.L. (1775–1864), he spent his childhood in Florence, studied art in Paris and as a painter travelled around the world. In 1897 he made an…

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SCHULZ, Friedrich Eduard

SCHULZ, Friedrich (Fritz) Eduard (Christoph Friedrich Ludwig Schulz). Darmstadt 12.7.1799 — Kurdistan, near Başkale fall 1829. German Oriental Scholar and Asian traveller. Son of cavalry officer Hermann Christian Schulz and Felicie Foerster. Studies at Giessen and Göttingen. Ph.D. 1820 Giessen. In 1822 PD and 1823 ao. Professor of Philosophy at…

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STEIN, Mark Aurel

STEIN, Mark Aurel (Stein Mark Aurél). Budapest 26.11.1862 — Kabul 26.10.1943. Sir. Hungarian Explorer, Indologist, and Archaeologist living in India (from 1888). British citizen (1904). Born to aged Jewish parents (mother 45, father more), M. Náthán Stein and Anna Hirschler. The father was a merchant, but uncle Ignaz Hirschler (1813–1891)…

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SONNERAT, Pierre. Lyon 18.8.1748 — Paris 31.3.1814. French Naval Officer, Naturalist and Traveller in the East. Travels: 1768-71 Madagascar and neighbouring islands, 1772-74 Moluccas and Philippines, 1774-81 India and China. Correspondent of the French Academy. Details of his life, especially of early years, are defective. In his first travel collaborated…

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SIMPSON, William

SIMPSON, William. Glasgow 28.10.1823 — London 17.8.1899. British (Scottish) Artist. Of modest origin, with abusive and alcoholic father, from 1834 living with his grandmother. After a few years in school he became apprentice in a lithographic firm in Glasgow, eventually became famous as newspaper illustrator. He first illustrated Crimean war…

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SHAW, Robert Barkley

SHAW, Robert Barkley. Upper Clapton, London 12.7.1839 — Mandalay, Burma 15.6.1879. British Traveller in Central Asia, then Civil Servant in Burma. Son of Robert Grant Shaw and Martha Barkley. “Educated at Marlborough and Trinity College, Cambridge, became a tea-planter in Kangra. Travelled in 1868 as a merchant to Eastern Turkestan,…

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