STRANGE, Thomas W. L.

STRANGE, Thomas William Lumsden. Madras 4.1.1808 — Norwood, London 4.9.1884. British Civil Servant and Lawyer in India. Son of —> Thomas A. L. Strange (1756–1841) and Louisa Burroughs. “Educated at Westminster and Haileybury, 1824-26. Joined the Madras Civil Service, 1826. Was Commissioner to inquire into the Moplah disturbances in Malabar, 1852.…

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STRANGE, Thomas A. L.

STRANGE, Thomas Andrew Lumsden. London (?) 30.11.1756 — London 16.7.1841. Sir. British Civil Servant and Lawyer in India. Son of Sir Robert Strange (1721–1792), the eminent engraver, and Isabella Lumsden. Educated at Westminster School and Oxford (Christ Church, M.A. 1782). Called to the bar from Lincoln’s Inn in 1785. From…

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STOKES, Whitley

STOKES, Whitley. Dublin 28.2.1830 — London 13.4.1909. Irish Lawyer and Linguist (Celtic Scholar). Son of Dr. William Stokes (1804–1878), Professor of Physics at Dublin, and Mary Black. Educated at St.Columba’s College. From 1846 studies at Trinity College, Dublin, Siegfried’s student, graduated B.A. 1851. Possibly for a while at Edinburgh, then…

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STERNBACH, Ludwik. Cracow 12.12.1910 — Paris 25.3.1981. Polish Indologist. Son of lawyer Edward Sternbach and Clara Amster, a Jewish family. From 1927 studied law at Cracow, dr.iuris 1931. LL.D. 1933. Also studied Indology at Lwów (under Stasiak) and Cracow (Willman-Grabowska, 1933-38 her Assistant). Ph.D. 1938. In 1936-39 also practised law…

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STENZLER, Adolf Friedrich. Wolgast, Pommern 9.7.1807 — Breslau 27.2.1887. German Indologist. Professor in Breslau. Born in the then Swedish Pomerania, son of Archdeacon (1829 Superintendent) Lorenz Stenzler (1775–1835) and Charlotte Droysen, educated in Wolgast and Friedland in Mecklenburg. In 1826-29 studies of Theology at Greifswald (also Oriental languages under Kosegarten)…

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SPIES, Otto. Bad Kreuznach 5.4.1901 — Bonn 29.10.1981. German Semitist (Turkish and Arabic Scholar) also interested in Hindi. Professor in Bonn. Studies of Oriental languages (Ph.D. 1923 under E. Littmann) and law (Dr. juris 1924) at Bonn and Tübingen, then Assistant at Bonn under P. Kahle in 1925-32. PD 1927…

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SONTHEIMER, Günther-Dietz

SONTHEIMER, Günther-Dietz. Ulm 21.4.1934 — Dossenheim bei Heidelberg 2.6.1992. German Indologist, Specialist of Law, Popular Religion and Marathi. Professor in Heidelberg. Son of Dr. Walther S. (1890–1984), a teacher and schooldirector, and Herma Dietz. During the war living in mother’s home area, in the former Prussian Posen (Poznań). In 1945-53…

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SICÉ, F. Eugène

SICÉ, François Eugène. 1 Pondichéry 10.7.1816 — 28.3.1881. French Colonial Officer in India, interested in Indian Law. Son of Louis Sicé, a police officer, and Jeanne Laforgue. Sous-commissaire de la marine, in Pondichéry from 1838, 1846 commissaire, later also in Karikal. Legion d’honneur 1865. Married 1838 Josephine Euphémie Félicité Cammiade,…

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WOODROFFE, John (Arthur Avalon)

WOODROFFE, John George (pen-name Arthur Avalon). Calcutta 13.2./15.12. 1865 — Beausoleil, France 16/18.1.1936. Sir. British Lawyer and Indologist in India. Son of of James Tisdall Woodroffe (1838–1§908), later Advocate-General of Bengal (1899-1904), and Florence Hume. Educated at Woburn Peak Catholic public school, studies at University College, Oxford (B.C.L. 1888, M.A.). In 1889 admitted at…

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WEST, Raymond

WEST, Raymond. Ballyloughrane, co. Kerry 18.9.1832 — 8.9.1912. Sir. Irish (of English background) Civil Servant in India. Son of Frederick West,a journalist, and Frances Raymond.Studies of law atat Queen’s University, Galway, graduated 1855 and joined I.C.S. “Went out to Bombay, 1856. In the mutiny in the S. Mahratta country. Under…

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