NUSSBAUM, Louis-Frédéric

NUSSBAUM, Louis-Frédéric Emmanuel (nom-de-plume Louis Frédéric). Paris 17.12.1923 —Quincy-sous-Sénart near Paris 24.11.1996. French Artist, Art Historian and Writer. Worked as illustrator, travelled in North Africa. Interested in Asia he studied at Sorbonne and É.P.H.É. Did not enter academic career and remained free author. Knew Sanskrit, Hindi and Japanese, Publications: Dans…

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MAKOWIECKA, Jadwiga Ineza (née Paszkowicz). near Radom 10.12.1886 — London 21.9.1988, when 102. Polish Teacher and Translator. Daughter of Adam Paskowicz. Married 1914 Stanisław Makowieckij, two children. Publications: Transl. Oredzia krola Asioki. Warsaw 1964 (Aśokan edicts); translations from Sanskrit. – Also translated R. Tagore into Polish. Sources: *J. Ostyk-Narbutt, long account in with…

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MACREADY, William Charles

MACREADY, William Charles. Elstree, Hertsmere Borough, Hertfordshire 7.8.1832 — Puttalam 26.11.1871. British Civil Servant in Sri Lanka. Son of the well-known actor William Charles Macready (1793–1873) and actress Catherine Frances Atkins (d. 1852). Studies at Oxford (Christ Church) and Haileybury. From 1854 in Ceylon Civil Service, worked as Assistant Government…

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LANGE, Antoni

LANGE, Antoni. Warsaw 28.4.1862 — Warsaw 17.3.1929. Polish Poet, Author and Translator. Son of Henryk Lange and Zofia Eisenbaum, a patriotic Jewish family. He began studies at the then Russian Warsaw university, but was soon expelled for his Polish patriotic activity. Worked as tutor and published some poetry, then went…

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KOLLÁR, Ján (Czech Jan K.). Mosóc (now Mošovce) 29.7.1793 — Vienna 24.1.1852. Slovakian Philologist, Poet and Translator. Son of the local mayor Matej Kollár and Katarina Frndová. After gymnasium in Pressburg (Bratislava) worked as teacher. In 1817-19 studied Lutheran theology at Jena. From 1819 priest in Slovakian church in Pest. In…

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KAL’JANOV, Vladimir Ivanovič

KAL’JANOV, Vladimir Ivanovič. Manguša (village) Mariupol’skogo uezda Ekaterinoslavskoj gub. (Peršotravnevoe village Donskoj obl., now Manguš in Ukraine) 21.7.(3.8.)1908 — St.Petersburg 17.3.2001. Russian (Ukrainian?) Indologist. Son of a worker. Graduated 1932 from Leningrad Institut istorii, filologii i lingvistiki, student of Ščerbackoj and Barannikov. Kand. filol. nauk 1941. In 1935-37 naučnyj sotrudnik…

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JUNGMANN, Josef  Jakub. Hudlice, Beroun district, Bohemia 16.7.1773 — Prague 14.11.1847. Czech Linguist and Poet, one of the Leaders of Czech National Revival. Son of a German father, Thomas Simon J., and Czech mother, Kateřina Jungmannová, brother of —> A. J. Jungmann. After school in Prague studied from 1795 literature…

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EMMERICK, Ronald Eric. Sydney 9.3.1937 — Hamburg 31.8.2001. Australian Indologist, Tibetan and Iranian (Khotan Saka) scholar in the U.K. and Germany. Professor in Hamburg. Son of Eric Steward E., a builder, and Myrtle Caroline Smith. After school in Sydney studied in 1955-59 Classics, French and German at Sydney (B.A. 1959,…

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DIMOCK, Edward C., Jr.

DIMOCK, Edward Cameron, Jr. Roslindale, Boston 18.3.1929 — Centerville, Barnstable, MA 11.1.2001. U.S. Indologist, specialist of Bengali. Professor in Chicago. Educated at Roxbury, studies at Yale (B.A. 1950) and Harvard (S.T.B. 1953), ordained priest 1954. First studied architecture. Further S.T.M. 1954, Ph.D. 1959 Harvard (Ingalls). Taught at University of Chicago: 1959-61…

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CANEDO GRILLE, José. Tordoia, Galicia 22.2.1902 — Lens 29.12.1945. Spanish Linguist. Studies at seminary of Santiago de Compostela and at University of Granada, then 7 years IE, Indology and classics at Berlin. In the Spanish civil war he took Franco’s side. From 1943 taught Spanish at Heidelberg University. Publications: Zur Wort- und…

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