LEONARD, G. S. 1??? — 1???. Probably British Civil servant in India. In 1878 in Saidpur. Connected with Leonard Theological College, a Methodist Institution in Jabalpur? But our man is styled Mr., not Rev., and there were other people of the name Leonard in India. In 1888 he withdraw from…

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LENZ, Robert

LENZ, Robert (Robert Hristianovič Lenc). Dorpat (Tartu) 23.1./4.2.1808 — St. Petersburg 30.7./11.8.1836. Russian (German from Estonia) Indologist. Son of Christian Lenz (1770–1817), the secretary of municipal council of Dorpat, and Luise Elisabeth Wolff (d. 1830), brother of the physicist Academician Heinrich Emil Lenz (1804–1865). After Gymnasium in Dorpat in 1820-24…

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LELOUP DE CHERAY, François (Louis Leupol)

LELOUP DE CHERAY, François-Etienne (nom-de-plume Louis Leupol). Cheroy (Yonne) 1.4.1807 — Nancy (?) 1896. French Author and Indologist. In the 1850s and still in 1873 at Académie de Stanislas in Nancy. He collaborated with Ém. Burnouf preparing the first useful French manuals of Sanskrit. Their Reader mainly contains of pieces…

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LEHOT, Maurice

LEHOT, Maurice. 18?? — 5.3.1931. French Indologist. Studied at Lyon, among other things Indology under Lacôte. He worked as schoolteacher (Professor) at lycée in Aix-en-Provence (in 1920/29 there) and the work took most of his time so that he could only conclude his edition, chāyā and translation of the Ratnāvalī,…

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LEBEDEV, Gerasim Stepanovič

LEBEDEV, Gerasim Stepanovič (Herasim Lebedeff). Jaroslavl 1749 (not 1746) — St.Petersburg 15.7.(27.7.)1817. Russian Musician, Traveller and Pioneer of Indology. Son of Stepan L. and his wife Paraskov’a. Father was a poor Orthodox clergyman, who did not allow him to obtain higher education. The family moved to St.Petersburg, where he studied…

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LATERZA (LA TERZA), Ermengildo

LA TERZA (LATERZA), Ermenegildo. Putignano (Bari) 2.3.1866 — Naples 1939. Italian Indologist. Graduated at Naples as student of Kerbaker. In 1895-1911 schoolteacher of classical languages in several places (i. al. in Avellino). From 1904 Docent of Sanskrit at Naples (libero docente di filologia sanscrita), later Incaricato di filologia indoeuropea there.…

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LASSEN, Christian

LASSEN, Christian. Bergen 22.10.1800 — Bonn 8.5.1876. Norwegian Indologist in Germany. Professor in Bonn. Son of Nicolai Christian Vendelboe L. (1748–1818), a lawyer, and Frederikke Elisabeth Frisch (1761–1830). Matriculated 1818 from Bergen school and after his father’s death went in 1819 with his mother to his married sister living in…

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LAMAIRESSE, Pierre Eugène. Châlons-sur-Marne (now Châlons-en-Champagne) 14.7.1817 — Marengo (Hadjout), Algeria 17.4.1898. French Engineer interested in India. The youngest son of Jean-Baptiste-Cyprien L., an agriculturalist, studied at École polytechnique and became a hydraulic engineer. Served as engineer in French India in 1860–66 working on dams and other irrigation projects in…

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LACÔTE, Félix. Moulins (Allier) 3.9.1873 — 20.3.1925. French Indologist. Professor in Lyon. Studies of philology, graduated a teacher in 1896. During studies he had been interested in Sanskrit and concentrated now on Sanskrit and Tibetan studies and became a student of Lévi. From 1899 teacher at Lycée of Montluçon, spent…

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KOSSOVIČ, Kaetan Andreevič

KOSSOVIČ, Kaetan Andreevič. (Cajetan Kossovich). Polotsk (now Polack in Belarus) 2.(14.)5.1815 (or 1814, see Vigasin 2008, 94) — St.Petersburg 7.2.(26.1.)1883. (Bela-)Russian Indo-Iranian Scholar. Professor in St.Petersburg. Brother of —> Ignatij K. Son of a Belarusian priest, educated in Polock and at Vitebsk Gymnasium. In 1836-39 studied classical philology and philosophy (Plato) at…

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