MORICI, Giuseppe

MORICI, Giuseppe. 13.9.1855 — 19??. Italian interested in Sanskrit. “R. Provveditore agli Studi a Macerata”. Publications: “Kālidāsa. Ritusanhāra. Traduzione in versi con note”, Orlando furioso. Rivista di lettere, scienze ed arti 2, Livorno 1886, 81-84, 92-96, 98-101; Kālidāsa. La nube messaggera. Poema tradotto. 79 p. Roma 1891 (and SFII 1-3,…

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OPPERT, Gustav

OPPERT, Gustav Salomon. Hamburg 30.7.1836 — Berlin 1.3.1908 (or 17.3.). German Indologist in India. Professor in Madras. Son of Eduard Oppert (until 1812 Oppenheimer, 1792–1874) and Henriette Gans (1800–1875), brother of —> Jules Oppert (1825–1905) and Ernst Jacob Oppert (1832–1903) who was a merchant in Shanghai and visited three times…

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NOVIKOVA, Vera Aleksandrovna

NOVIKOVA, Vera Aleksandrovna. Moscow 16.2.1918 — 10.4.1972. Russian Indologist, specialist of Bengali. Daughter of an official, graduated 1940 from Leningrad. Kand. filol. nauk 1953, Docent 1956. Naučnyj sotrudnik at Oriental Institute, Leningrad, in 1949-50, taught Indian Philology at Leningrad University from 1952. Publications: At least 50 publications, – Kand.diss.…

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NORONHA E FARO, Annibal Mello de

NORONHA E FARO, Annibal Mello de. 1??? — 19??. Brazilian Author. One Annibal Mello was born in 1893 in Curitiba, but the São Paulo university’s alphabetical list gives our author under N ( Publications: Mahabharata. Reconstrução da epopéia feita sôbre or originais scritos com prolegômenos, comentários e anotações. 55+347 p.…

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MORRO, Felice

MORRO, Felice. 18?? — 1???. Italian. interested in Sanskrit, fl. in the 1870s. Publications: Vālmīki. Tre capitoli dell’ Araṇyakāṇḍa o e 3° libro del Rāmāyaṇa, tradotti. 30 p. Schenone (Genoa) 1874. Sources: Title only in Gli studi orientali in Italia 1861–1911; nothing in Internet.

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MORLEY, William Hook

MORLEY, William Hook. 1815 — London 21.5.1860. British Oriental Scholar. Son of George M., a lawyer. “Educated for the legal profession, called to the bar in 1840. A notable Oriental scholar, well versed in Arabic and Persian literature. Member of the R.A.S. from 1847, Librarian to the Society from 1859.”…

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MILTNER, Vladimír

MILTNER, Vladimír. Plzeň 6.7.1933 — Mathura 13.1.1997. Czech Indologist (Sanskrit and Hindi Scholar). After gymnasium in Karlovy Vary studies at Prague. Ph.D. From 1967 worked as research scholar of the Czech Academy, first three years in Paris, with a long break for political reasons from the early 1970s to the…

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MICHALSKI-IWIEŃSKI, Stanisław Franciszek. Tarnogród 29.1.1881 — Łodz 8.8.1961. Polish Indologist. Professor in Łodz. Studies at Warsaw, then Indology at Vienna (L. v. Schroeder and P. Kretschmer) and Göttingen (Oldenberg & Wackernagel). Ph.D. 1912 Vienna. Durin WW I in Switzerland. In the 1920s and 1930s living in Warsaw, where he worked…

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MEYER-FRANCK, Helene (née Franck). 1873 — 1946. German Teacher and Translator of Tagore, from 1906 wife of —> H. Meyer-Benfey. Worked as schoolteacher in Hamburg.Learned Bengali for her translating work. Publications: Translated the majority of Rabindranath’s English books into German: Nationalismus. 151 p. Lp. 1919; Die Gabe des Liebenden. 52…

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MELZER, Uto von

MELZER, Uto (Utho) Ottomar von, Edler von Tapferhaim. Graz 18.10.1881 — 22.2.1961. Austrian Iranian Scholar. Son of Ignaz M. (1817–1906), an officer, and Sara Heinrike Nagy (1854–1927). Educated in Graz and from 1900 worked as schoolteacher. He wrote pan-German nationalistic poetry and served in WW I in Russian and Italian…

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