HARTOG, Hans. 19?? — 1995. German Scholar of Religion. Started studies at Munich (Wüst). Ph.D. 1939 Marburg (Heiler). He was Assistant of Wüst, but eventually left him as Wüst as a Nazi did not appreciate his ideas about sin. Instead, he went to Marburg and turned to theology. Married, son-in-law…

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HAPPEL, Julius

HAPPEL, Julius. 1843 — 1912. German Theologian. Lutheran priest in Bützow, 1884 moved to Heubach. He wrote about religions in order to show the superiority of Christianity. Publications: Die Anlage des Menschen zur Religion, vom gegenwärtigen Standpunkten der Völkerkunde aus. Haarlem 1877; other books on religion. – Die altchinesische Reichsreligion vom Standpunkte…

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HÄUSLER, H. 18?? — 19??. Father. Benedictine, from Prague. In 1911 residing in Jerusalem. Publications: Wrote on Palestinian antiquity. – “Streiflichter in die Urreligion der arischen Inder”, Anthropos 6, 1911, 179-207. Sources: Scanty stray notes in Internet.

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HAENISCH, Erich. Berlin 27.8.1880 — Stuttgart 21.12.1966. German Sinologist and Mongolist. Professor. Son of an attorney, educated in Berlin. In 1899-1903 studied Chinese, Mongolian and Manchu at Berlin (W. Grube, also listened to Pischel and J. Oppert), Ph.D. 1904. In 1904-11 in China, teaching at military schools in Wuchang and…

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GRANT, Sara. Shrewsbury 19.12.1922 — 2002. British Missionary and Indologist. Born of Scottish parents in England, educated in a convent in Brighton, converted to Roman Catholicism at the age of 19. After war studied classics at Oxford. She went to India as missionary in 1956 (member of the Sacred Heart…

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GIMBUTAS, Marija (Lith. Marija Gimbutienė, born Marija Birutė Alseikaitė). Vilnius 23.1.1921 — Los Angeles 2.2.1994. Lithuanian Archaeologist in the U.S.A. Professor in Los Angeles. Daughter of two physicians, Danielius Alseika (d. 1936) and Veronika Janulaitytė-Alseikienė. In 1931 the family moved to Kaunas and parents divorced. After gymnasium in Kaunas studied linguistics…

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GEHRICH, Georg. Northeim, Niedersachsen 1867 — 1920. German Protestant Priest interested in Oriental Religions. Pastor in Stellichte (Hannover), later (1914) in Goslar. Married Marie Knoke (1870–1947), at least one son. Publications: Translated Cumont’s, Pettazzonis and Tiele’s works into German (1895/1909). – “Zur Frage nach dem Alter des Avesta”, Archiv f. Rel.wiss. 1,…

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GALLAUD DE LA PÉROUSE, Marie. 19.3.1867 — Neuilly 22.12.1945. French Sculptress, Author and Traveller. Daughter of railway engineer Charles G. and his wife Julie. First exhibition as sculptress in 1890. Visited South and East Asia, even Tibet in disguise, and took many photographs. Her 1931 book is a popular book, compiled from…

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FRYDMAN, Maurycy

FRYDMAN, Maurycy (Maurice Fr.; Swami Bharatananda). Warsaw 20.10.1901 — Bombay 9.3.1976. Polish Engineer converted to Hinduism. He came to India in the late 1930s as a Jewish refugee from Warsaw and spent the rest of his life there. Worked as managing director of Mysore State Government Electrical Factory in Bangalore, soon…

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EXEM, Albert van

EXEM, Albert van. Beveren 19.9.1918 — Ranchi 7.11.1994. S.J. Father. Belgian Missionary and Anthropologist in India. Joined S.J. in 1936, ordained priest 1949 in Kurseong. From 1946 worked 17 years among Muṇḍas. Fluent in Muṇḍari. Publications: Basic socio-economic attitudes of Chotanagpur Tribals. 55 p. Ranchi 1973. – “Haram and Singbonga.…

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