MANDELBAUM, David Goodman. Chicago 22.8.1911 — Berkeley 19.4.1987. U.S, Anthropologist. Studies at Northwestern University (B.A. 1932). Ph.D. 1936 Yale, under E. Sapir. After a short time at University of Minnesota in war service in South-East Asia. From 1946 Associate Professor, then Professor and chairman of Anthropology Dept. at University of…

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SONTHEIMER, Günther-Dietz

SONTHEIMER, Günther-Dietz. Ulm 21.4.1934 — Dossenheim bei Heidelberg 2.6.1992. German Indologist, Specialist of Law, Popular Religion and Marathi. Professor in Heidelberg. Son of Dr. Walther S. (1890–1984), a teacher and schooldirector, and Herma Dietz. During the war living in mother’s home area, in the former Prussian Posen (Poznań). In 1945-53…

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SLEEMAN, William H.

SLEEMAN, William Henry. Stratton, Cornwall 18.8.1788 — at sea 10/25.2.1856. Sir. British Colonial Officer in India. Son of yeoman Philip Sleeman and Mary Spray, lost his father in 1798 (or  1802?), mother 1818. In 1809 joined the Bengal Army as infantry cadet, was immediately sent to India. From 1810 Ensign,…

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WISER, William H.

WISER, William Hen(d)ricks. Pottstown, Pa 28.1.1890 — Uniontown, Pa 21.2.1961. U.S. Presbyter Missionary and Anthropologist in India. Graduated B.A. from the University of Chicago. Ph.D. 1933 Cornell, in rural organization. In 1915 left for India, worked first at Allahabad Agricultural Institute, then also in Kanpur and in 1925-30 in Karimpur…

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WILSON, John. Lauder, Berwickshire 11.12.1804 — near Bombay 1.12.1875. Rev. British (Scottish) Missionary in India, Indologist and Iranian Scholar. Son of Andrew Wilson, a farmer and township councillor, and Janet Hunter, grew up in Lauder. From the age of 14 studied arts, then theology at Edinburgh, during holidays worked as…

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WILKINSON, Lancelot. Crosby-Ravensworth, Cumbria 22.6.1805 — Sehore near Bhopal 13.11.1841. British Scholar of Astronomy in India. Son of James Wilkinson (1765–1820) and Nanny Eggleston (1771–1820). Came to India as a writer around 1822 and joined Bombay C.S. From 1824 Assistant to Collector of Southern Konkan, from 1826 Assistant Resident in…

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RUBEN, Walter

RUBEN, Walter. Hamburg 26.12.1899 — Berlin 7.11.1982. German (East) Indologist. Professor in Berlin. Son of Albert Ruben (1868–1926), a merchant, and Emmi Geister (1875–1955). School in Hamburg, 1917-18 in army. Studies of classics, philosophy and Indology at Hamburg (Konow) and Bonn (Jacobi), also at Berlin (Lüders). Ph.D. 1924 Bonn. PD…

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ROSE, Horace Arthur

ROSE, Horace Arthur. East Grinstead, Sussex 25.11.1867 — Saint Brélade, Jersey 18.9.1933. British Civil Servant in India. Son of a merchant, Richard Rose and Emma Jeffries. Educated at St.Paul’s School, studies at Cambridge (Emmanuel College). In 1888-1917 in I.C.S. In 1901 Census Superintendent for Pañjāb, in 1901-06 Superintendent of Ethnography…

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RICE, Stanley P.

RICE, Stanley P. 1869 — 1944. British Civil Servant in India, interested in Sanskrit. Served 19 years in Madras, retired before 1924 and became member of State Council of Baroda. Publications: Occasional essays on native South Indian life. 6+223 p. L. 1901. – Translated: Ancient Indian fables and stories. Being…

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THOMPSON, Edward John. Hazel Grove, Stockport near Manchester 9.4.1886 — Bledlow, Buckinghamshire 28.4.1946. British Wesleyan Missionary and Author in India. Son of John Moses Thompson (1854–1894), a missionary in South India, and his wife Elizabeth, born during the family’s furlough in England. Educated in Bath, for a while worked in…

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