REGNAUD, Paul. Mantoche (Haute-Saône) 19.4.1838 — Sanary-sur-Mer (Var) 18.11.1910. French Indologist. Professor in Lyon. Son of a court clerk. From 1868 studies at Paris under Bergaigne and Hauvette-Besnault. Diplom of É.P.H.É. 1873, worked as journalist. Ph.D. 1884 Paris. From 1879 maître de conférence and from 1887 the first occupant of…

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RASK, Rasmus

RASK, Rasmus Kristian (bapt. Rasmus Christian Rasch). Brændekilde near Odense 22.11.1787 — Copenhagen 14.11.1832. Danish Linguist and Traveller, also interested in Sanskrit and Old Iranian. Professor in Copenhagen. Son of Niels Hansen Rasch (1749–1810), a smallholder and tailor, and Birthe Rasmusdatter (d. 1801). Educated at home and in Odense, became…

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PIZZI, Italo

PIZZI, Italo. Parma 30.11.1849 — Turin 5/6.12.1920. Italian Indo-Iranian Scholar. Professor in Turin. Born in a large family of nobility, son of Agostino Pizzi and Maria Teresa Prussia. Studied at Pisa Semitic, Indian and Germanic languages under De Benedetti, Lasinio and Teza. Ph.D. 1871 Pisa. Worked as teacher in Parma…

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PAULINUS A SANCTO BARTHOLOMAEO (Fra. Paolino da S. Bartolomeo, lay Ivan/Johann Filip Vezdin [or Vesdin, not Verdin or Werdin]). Hof am Leithaberge (Cimov) 25.4.1748 — Rome 7.2.1806. Austrian (Croatian) Missionary and Pioneer of Indology. Carmelite missionary in Kerala 1776-89, then in Rome. Born in Niederösterreich as son of Jurje Vezdin and…

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PAUL, Otto

PAUL, Otto. Berlin 4.5.1888 — Hungen, Kr. Giessen 6.10.1944. German Germanist and Iranian Scholar. A Nazi. Started studies late (1915) at Berlin concentrating on German and Linguistics, from 1924 at Munich (Ph.D. 1927), now also Aryan Philology, under Geiger, then also Wüst. Habilitation 1938 Munich. After a break with Himmler…

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ZAEHNER, Robert Charles

ZAEHNER, Robert Charles. Sevenoaks, Kent 8.4.1913 — Oxford 24.11.1974. British Scholar of Comparative Religion, especially Iranian and Indian. Professor in Oxford. Son of Swiss-German immigrants to England. Educated at Tonbridge School. From 1932 studied at Christ Church College, Oxford, classics, Persian and Iranian, also Sanskrit and Arabic, 1936-37 Middle Persian…

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OVSJANIKO-KULIKOVSKIJ, Dmitrij Nikolaevič (Ukr. Dmitro Mikolajovič O.-K.). Kahovka, Tavrida guv. 23.1.(4.2.)1853 — Odessa 9.10.1920. Ukrainian Linguist, Indologist and Critic. Professor in Harkiv (Kharkiv), Academician in St.Petersburg. Born in a noble family, son of Nikolaj Nikolaevič O.-K. and Varvara Nikolaevna Rud’. After gymnasium in Simferopol studies of Sanskrit and linguistics in…

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ORTERER, Georg (1901 Ritter von O.). Wörth bei Erding, Upper Bavaria 30.10.1849 — Munich 5.10.1916. German Student of Indo-Iranian, then Teacher and Bavarian Politician. Son of Philipp Orterer (d. 1862), an elementary school teacher, and Therese Bartel. Educated in Erding, Scheyern and Freising. From 1868 studies of Classics and IE…

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OLSHAUSEN, Justus. Hohenfelde, Holstein 9.5.1800 — Berlin 28.12.1882. German Oriental Scholar and Theologian. Professor in Kiel and Königsberg. Son of Rev. (later Superintendent) Detlev Olshausen (1766–1823) and Ida Hoyer (1771–1804), younger brother of theologian Hermann Olshausen (1796–1839). After school in Eutin and Glückstadt, studied in 1816-19 at Kiel and 1819-20…

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OL’DENBURG, Sergeij Fedorovič

OL’DENBURG, Sergej Fëdorovič (Serge d’Oldenbourg). Bjankino, Zabajkal’skoj obl. (now Tšita obl., Nerčinskij raion) 14.(26.)9.1863 — Leningrad 28.2.1934. Russian Indologist and Art Historian. Professor and Academician in St.Petersburg/Leningrad. Son of Fëdor Fëdorovič O. (1827–1877), an officer, of Livonian nobility, and Nadežda Fëdorovna Berg (von Berg, 1833–1909). Matriculated in 1881, he was…

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