KIEPERT, Heinrich

KIEPERT, Heinrich. Berlin 31.7.1818 — Berlin 21.4.1899. German Geographer, Cartographer, and Historian of Geography. Professor in Berlin. Son of Samuel K. (1763–1836), a merchant, and Christiane Henriette Beer. Educated at Joachimsthaler Gymnasium (where A. Meineke was his teacher), became soon interested in ancient history and geog­raphy. From 1836 studies of…

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HERRMANN, Albert Ludwig. Hannover 20.1.1886 — Pilsen (Plzen in Czech) 19.4.1945. German Scholar of Historical Geography. Son of school director Konrad H. and Bertha Engelnord. After school in Lingen/Ems studied from 1904 at Göttingen, Ph.D. there 1910 (under H. Wagner). Worked as school-teacher until 1933. From 1923 PD at Berlin,…

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JUSTI, Ferdinand

JUSTI, Ferdinand Wilhelm Jakob. Marburg 2.6.1837 — Marburg 17.2.1907. German Iranian and IE Scholar. Professor in Marburg. Son of a minister, Wilhelm J., and Friederike Ruppersberg, grandson of Karl Wilhelm J. (1767-1846), Professor of Philosophy and Theology at Marburg. In 1856-59 studies at Marburg (under Gildemeister), then 1859-60 at Göttingen…

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JACOB, Georg

JACOB, Georg. Königsberg 26.5.1862 — Kiel 4.7.1937. German Oriental (Arabic and Turkish) scholar also interested in India. Lost early his father and was raised by his mother, Julie Therese Jacob (née Rossbach). After gymnasium in Königsberg he started as a student of theology, but soon turned into Oriental philology. Studies…

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HAUSSIG, Hans Wilhelm. Berlin 3.10.1916 — Berlin 27.4.1994. German Historian of Antiquity, Byzantium and Central Asia. Ph.D. 1939 Berlin. PD 1956 at F.U.Berlin, 1968 Professor there. From 1969 Professor of Byzantine, Near and Central Asian history at Ruhr-Universität Bochum, emeritus 1982. Now returned to Berlin and taught as Hon. Professor…

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GOSSELLIN, Pascal-François-Joseph

GOSSELLIN, Pascal-François-Joseph. Lille 6.12.1751 — Paris 8.2.1830. French Merchant, Geographer and Historian of Geography. Born in a family of merchants, came early into family business. Member of Chambre de commerce in Lille, from 1784 of Conseil royal du commerce for Flanders, Hainaut and Cambrésis. Travelled much in Europe on business.…

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GERINI, Gerolamo Emilio

GERINI, Gerolamo Emilio. Cisano sul Neva (Albenga) 10.3.1860 — Turin 11.10.1913. Italian Officer and South-East Asian Scholar in Thailand. Colonel. Son of Carlo G., Professor of Oenology in Turin, and Veronica Rosso. After Military Academy of Modena he served in Italian army 1879-81. From 1881 twentyfive years in Thailand as…

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CUNNINGHAM, Alexander. Westminster 23.1.1814 — Cranley Mansions, South Kensington (London) 28.11.1893. Sir. British (Scots) Colonial Officer and Archaeologist in India. The great pioneer of Indian archaeology and the first Director-General of the A.S.I. General-major. Born in England of Scots parents, poet Allan C. (1784-1842) and Jean Walker, brother of —>…

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BOURGUIGNON D’ANVILLE, Jean-Baptiste. Paris 11.7.1697 — Paris 28.1.1782. French Cartographer, Geographer and Historian of Geography. Son of Hubert Bourguignon, a tailor, and Charlotte Vaugon. Student of abbé de Longerue. One of the Royal Geographers at the age of 22 (1719). In 1754 member of A.I.B.L., 1773 of Académie des Sciences.…

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