MILLER, Vsevolod Fëdorovič

MILLER, Vsevolod Fëdorovič. Moscow 7.(19.)4.1848 — St.Petersburg 5.(18.)11.1913. Russian Indo-Iranian Scholar. Son of poet Fëdor Bogdanovič Miller (1818–1881), grew up in Moscow. From 1866 studies at Hist.-Philological Faculty of Moscow University, soon moved to Physical-Mathematical Faculty, but still followed Petrov’s teaching. After graduation in spring 1870 conducted fieldwork with Fortunatov…

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MILEWSKI, Tadeusz. Kołomyja (Kolomija, Ukraine) 17.5.1906 — Cracow 5.3.1966. Polish IE, Slavic, Amerindian and General Linguist. Professor in Cracow. Son of Feliks M., a physician, and Justyna Wojakowska. In 1925-29 studies of Slavic at Lwów (L’viv), Ph.D. 1929 there (diss. on Polabian). In 1929-31 further studies of IE and Sanskrit…

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MIKLOSICH, Franz Xaver, Ritter von

MIKLOSICH, Franz Xaver, Ritter von (Franc Miklošić). Pichelberg(Untersteiermark, now Radomerščak in Slovenia) 20.11.1813 — Vienna 7.3.1891. Austrian (Slovenian) Linguist, Slavic and Gipsy Scholar. Son of a viticulturist, Georg M., went to school with the help of his uncle Thomas M., a minister. After gymnasium in Warasdin and Marburg/Drau (Maribor) in…

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MEYER, Leo Karl Heinrich. Bledeln near Sarstedt (Hannover) 3.7.1830 — Göttingen 6.6.1910. German IE Scholar in Estonia. Professor in Dorpat. Son of Carl Friedrich Meyer, a minister, and Jeanette Schlüter. After Lyceum in Hannover and gymnasium in Holzminden in 1844-49, studies at Göttingen, concentrating on German, Latin, Greek and Sanskrit…

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MEYER, Gustav

MEYER, Gustav. Gross-Strehlitz, Oberschesien (now Strzelce Opolskie in Poland) 25.11.1850 — Feldhof bei Graz 28.8.1900. German IE Linguist and Balkanist in Austria. Professor in Graz. Son of a civil servant. After school in Oppeln (matriculation 1867) studied at Breslau classical philology, IE and Sanskrit (under Stenzler), modern Greek, Romance, Germanic…

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MEYER, Elard Hugo

MEYER, Elard Hugo. Bremen 6.10.1837 — Freiburg i. Br. 11.2.1908. German Scholar of Germanic Mythology. Son of a lawyer, grew up in Bremen. In 1860-63 studies at Bonn, Tübingen and Berlin, mainly Germanistics. Ph.D. In 1863-82 teacher and director of Handelshochschule in Bremen. In 1882 retired because of an illness…

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MEUNIER, François

MEUNIER, Louis-François. Paris 8.11.1824 — 11.3.1874. French IE Linguist. Born in a modest artisan family. Studied in Paris classical philology, also Indology under Burnouf. Ph.D. 1857 Paris (in classical and French philology). Worked as a tutor in France and in 1860-62 in Spain (in French Imperial family). In 1862 he…

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MERINGER, Rudolf. Vienna 9.3.1859 — Kroisbach bei Graz 14.2.1931. Austrian IE Scholar. Professor in Graz. Son of George M. (1817–1886), an entrepreneur, and Elisabeth Metka (1824–1877), educated in Vienna. In 1878-82 studies of Germanistics and Indogermanistics at Vienna. Ph.D. 1882 Vienna. Further studies at Berlin under J. Schmidt. From 1885…

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MEADER, Clarence L.

MEADER, Clarence Linton. Battle Creek, Mich. 12.8.1868 — Garden Grove, CA 1.7.1967. U.S. Linguist interested in Sanskrit. Son of John Murray Meader and Maria A. Fredericks. Studies at University of Michigan: A.B. 1891, Ph.D. 1902. Further studies at American School in Athens in 1892, at Bonn in 1893, at Munich…

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MAYER, Antun

MAYER, Antun. 1881 — Zagreb 4.2.1957. Yugoslavian (Croatian) IE Scholar. Ph.D. In the 1930s PD of Comparative IE Lin­guistics at Royal Yugoslavian University in Zagreb, then Professor until his death. Mainly known as a specialist of the linguistic remains of ancient Illyrian. Publications: Much on Illyrian. Sources: Stray notes in…

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