SCHUCHARDT, Hugo Ernst Mario. Gotha 4.2.1842 — Graz 21.4.1927. German Linguist in Austria. Professor in Graz. Son of Ernst Julius Schuchardt, a lawyer, and Malvina von Bridel-Brideri. Gymnasium in Gotha. Began his studies 1859 at Jena, soon (1860) switched from law to philology ( Schleicher) and moved to Bonn. Ph.D.…

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SCHNEIDER, Karl. Brückrachdorf, Kr. Neuwied 18.4.1912 — Münster 26.12.1998. German Linguist, mainly Anglist and Germanist, but in his early career wrote on IE and Tocharian. Professor in Münster. Studies of English, German, comparative linguistics, and philosophy in 1932-36 at Giessen, Ph.D. 1936 in comparative linguistics. Two years as German Assistant…

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RONA, José Pedro

RONA, José Pedro. Lučenec, Slovakia 20.3.1923 — Rio de Janeiro 16.7.1974. Uruguayan IE Scholar. Born of Hungarian parents in present Slovakia, son of engineer Alejandro Róna and pianist Lea Vajda. Migrated to Uruguay in 1940. Studies at University of Montevideo. Ph.D. 1965 University of Porto Alegre, Brazil, in linguistics. Professor…

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PORRU, Giulia

PORRU, Giulia. 1913 — 2000 (?). Italian Linguist. Studies at Florence, i.a. under Devoto. Ph.D. 1937 Florence, PD in glottologia 1943. From 1946 Professore indaricato di filologia Germanica at Florence, also taught general linguistics. She was the first Italian to show interest in phonology. Publications: “I verbi della VII classe dell’antico…

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POLOMÉ, Edgar C.

POLOMÉ, Edgar Ghislain Charles. Molenbeck-Saint-Jean near Brussels 31.7.1920 — Houston 11.3.2000. Belgian Linguist in the U.S.A. Professor in Austin, Texas. Son of a Walloon father (Marcel Félicien Polomé) and Flemish mother (Berthe Henry). Studies at Free University Brussels (B.A. 1940) and after war service at Catholic University Louvain (M.A. 1943), learned Sanskrit…

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PETZ, Gedeon

PETZ, Gideon. Harka, Sopron dt. 24.11.1863 — Budapest 21.12.1943. Hungarian Linguist. Studies at Budapest, Freiburg i. Br., Leipzig and Berlin, 1881-87. Ph.D. Teacher at Lutheran gymnasium in Budapest. At Budapest University: PD 1887, ao. Professor 1896, ord. 1904, of German Philology. Member of Hungarian Academy: correspondent 1895, ord. 1920, honorary 1934.…

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PENKA, Karl. Müglitz, Moravia (now Mohelnice, Czech) 26.10.1847 — Vienna 10.2.1912. Austrian Anthropologist, Linguist and Aryan Enthusiast. Educated Vienna, studies of anthropology and comparative linguistics. In 1873-1906 schoolteacher (professor) at Maximiliansgymnasium in Vienna. He connected linguistics with ethnology equating language groups with supposed human races. Propagated a theory of Scandinavian…

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MÜHLL(-KERN), Wilhelm von der

MÜHLL(-KERN), Wilhelm von der. 22.8.1852 — 3.7.1923. Swiss Student of IE Linguistics. Son of Karl Georg v.d.M. and Emilie Merian. Studies of Classics and IE at Basel. Married 1877 Emma Sophie Kern, one son. Publications: Diss. Über die Aspiration der Tenues vor Nasalen und Liquidis im Zend und im Griechischen. 71…

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KUDZINOWSKI, Czesław. Wodziłówka, Podlasia 8.10.1908 — Poznań 2.3.1988. Polish Linguist, beside Indo-European also Specialist of Finno-Ugrian and Uralic. Professor in Poznań. Son of a small farmer. From 1928 studies of theology at Wilno (then Polish, now Lithuanian Vilnius), soon switched to IE linguitics. M.A. 1935. In 1935-37 further studies of…

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KILIAN, Lothar

KILIAN, Lothar. Nidden (Nida near Klaipeda) 12.10.1911 — 12.3.2000 or 1999. German Archaeologist and IE Scholar. Ph.D. 1939 Königsberg. Participated in WW II, was war prisoner and only returned in 1949. In 1951-54 Assistant at Bonn. From 1957 kustos in Landesmuseum Trier. After retiring living in Bonn. Both Lithuanian sources…

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