STOKES, Whitley

STOKES, Whitley. Dublin 28.2.1830 — London 13.4.1909. Irish Lawyer and Linguist (Celtic Scholar). Son of Dr. William Stokes (1804–1878), Professor of Physics at Dublin, and Mary Black. Educated at St.Columba’s College. From 1846 studies at Trinity College, Dublin, Siegfried’s student, graduated B.A. 1851. Possibly for a while at Edinburgh, then…

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SCHWEIZER-SIDLER, Johann Heinrich (originally J. H. Schweizer). Elgg, canton Zürich 12.9. 1815 — Zürich 30.3.1894. Swiss IE Scholar. Professor in Zürich. Son of Anton Schweizer, the minister of Elgg, family from Zürich. He intended himself to become a priest, but at school became fascinated with classical languages. In 1835-38 studied classical…

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STENZLER, Adolf Friedrich. Wolgast, Pommern 9.7.1807 — Breslau 27.2.1887. German Indologist. Professor in Breslau. Born in the then Swedish Pomerania, son of Archdeacon (1829 Superintendent) Lorenz Stenzler (1775–1835) and Charlotte Droysen, educated in Wolgast and Friedland in Mecklenburg. In 1826-29 studies of Theology at Greifswald (also Oriental languages under Kosegarten)…

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SOWA, Rudolf von

SOWA, Rudolf von. Lemberg (now L’viv, Ukraine) 30.1.1853 — Brünn (Brno in Czech) 29.9.1900. Austrian (of Poland) Schoolteacher, Linguist and Gipsy Scholar. Son of the elder Rudolf von Sowa and Rosa Sowowá (née Arnoldová). Gymnasium in Brünn (Brno), from 1870 studies at Vienna, Innsbruck and Cracow. Ph.D. 1878 Cracow. Gymnasium Professor…

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SOMMER, Ferdinand

SOMMER, Johann Ferdinand. Trier 4.5.1875 — Munich 3.4.1962. German classical,IE and Hittite Scholar. Professor in Jena and Munich. Son of Philipp Sommer and Johanna Saur. Educated in Kassel, from 1893 studies at Marburg and Freiburg (Thurneysen). Ph.D. 1896 Freiburg (diss. on Celtology). PD 1899 Leipzig. From 1902 ord. Professor of…

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SOLMSEN, Felix. Schneidemühl, Hinterpommern (now Piła, Poland) 11.7.1865 — Mehlem near Bonn 13.6.1911. German Classical and IE Linguist. Professor in Bonn. Son of Heinrich Solmsen and Cäcilie Leszczynski. Studies of Classics and Comparative Linguistics at Berlin (J. Schmidt) and Leipzig (Brugmann and Leskien). Ph.D. 1886 Leipzig. PD 1893 Bonn. From…

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SMYTH, Herbert Weir

SMYTH, Herbert Weir. Wilmington, DE 8.8.1857 — Bar Harbor, ME 16.7.1937. U.S. Classical (Greek) Scholar also interested in Indology. Son of Clement Biddle Smyth, an iron manufacturer, and Sarah Ann Sellers. Educated at Swarthmore (A.B. 1876) and Harvard (A.B. 1878) Further studies in Germany: 1879-81 Leipzig, 1881-83 Göttingen. Ph.D. 1884…

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SMITH, Helmer

SMITH, Helmer. Boo, Stockholms län 26.4.1882 — 9.1.1956. Swedish Indologist. Professor in Uppsala. Son of an engineer, Henning Smith (of distant British origin), and Fanny Sehlstedt (d. 1929). Matriculated from Stockholm in 1900. Studies at Uppsala: fil.kand. 1904, fil.lic. 1908. In 1909-20 further studies in Berlin, Paris (Bloch) and especially…

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SIEGFRIED, Rudolf Thomas

SIEGFRIED, Rudolf Thomas. Dessau 1830 — Dublin 10.1.1863. German IE and Celtic Scholar in Ireland. Professor in Dublin. From Dessau. Studied 1850-51 at Tübingen under Roth, then at Berlin under Bopp and Weber, became soon interested in Celtology and went to England to write a comparative grammar. After reading the work…

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SHAFER, Robert

SHAFER, Robert Lloyd (Schafer). 1893 — 1969. U.S. Linguist and Sino-Tibetan scholar. Ph.D. Director of Sino-Tibetan Linguistic Project at U.C. Berkeley. Famous, but rather much criticised for his brave hypotheses. Publications: “Nahālī, a linguistic study in paleoethnography”, HJAS 5, 1940, 346-371; “Linguistics in History”, JAOS 67, 1947, 296-305; other articles.…

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