HAENISCH, Erich. Berlin 27.8.1880 — Stuttgart 21.12.1966. German Sinologist and Mongolist. Professor. Son of an attorney, educated in Berlin. In 1899-1903 studied Chinese, Mongolian and Manchu at Berlin (W. Grube, also listened to Pischel and J. Oppert), Ph.D. 1904. In 1904-11 in China, teaching at military schools in Wuchang and…

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VLADIMIRCOV, Boris Jakovlevič

VLADIMIRCOV, Boris Jakovlevič. Kaluga 8.(20.)7.1884 — Siverskij near Leningrad 17.8.1931. Russian Mongolian and Buddhist Scholar. Academician in St.Petersburg. Son of an engineer. Graduated 1909 at St.Petersburg (Sino-Manchu section), Magistr 1911. In 1911 expedition to the Altai, then further studies in Paris (Meillet, Pelliot). From 1915 Professor of Mongolian at Petrograd/Leningrad…

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STEPANOV, Gurij (Aleksej Ivanovič St.)

STEPANOV, Gurij (Aleksej Ivanovič St.). Čeboksary 3.10.1880 — Gorkij (Nižni Novgorod) 1.11.1937. Russian Ecclesiastic, Mongolian and Tibetan Scholar. Archimandrit, then Archbishop of Russian Orthodox Church. Son of a minor official. After Kazan Seminary studied 1902-06 at Kazan Spiritual Academy (cand. theol.). Intending to become missionary he concentrated on Mongolian language…

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SCHRÖDER, Dominik. Eiweiler, Saarland 4.9.1910 — Ibid. 25.12.1974. SVD. German Catholic Missionary and Anthropologist in China. Studies in St.Wendel and St.Augustin. Ordained priest 1937. Worked in North-West China in 1938-49, mainly among Monguors (1942-46 in Peking). M.A. 1945 Fujen University, Peking. In 1949 he was forced to return to Europe.…

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PELLIOT, Paul. Paris 28.5.1878 — Paris 26.10.1945. French Sinologist and Central Asian Scholar. Professor in Paris. Son of merchant Charles Théodore P. and Marie Renault, educated in Paris. Studied in Paris for diplomatic career, but soon turned to Indology and Sinology under Lévi, Chavannes and Cordier. In 1900 joined the…

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SCHUBERT, Johannes

SCHUBERT, Johannes Siegfried. Annaberg/Sächs. Erzgebirge 7.9.1896 — Leipzig 2.8.1976. German (East) Tibetan and Mongolian Scholar. Professor in Leipzig. Son of Guido Emil Schubert, a shop assistant, and Ida Brand. Gymnasium in Plauen, participated in WW I and matriculated only 1920. In 1920-22 studies of theology and philology at Leipzig and,…

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SCHMIDT, Isaak Jakob

SCHMIDT, Isaak Jakob (Jakov Ivanovič Šmidt). Amsterdam 14.10.1779 — St.Petersburg 27.8.(8.9.)1847. Dutch-born Central Asian Scholar in Russia. Academician in St. Petersburg. It is said that he was born in the Netherlands in a German (Moravian) merchant family, but Le Calloch points out that his father Johannes (Jan) Schmidt was born…

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WELLER, Friedrich

WELLER, Friedrich. Markneukirchen, Vogtland 22.7.1889 — Leipzig 19.11.1980. German Indologist. Professor in Leipzig. The only child of Friedrich Wilhelm Weller (1854-1944), a violin maker, and Marie Wettengel (1860-1953). Educated at local village school and from 1901 at Realgymnasium in Plauen. From 1909 studied at Leipzig, first Romance and Germanic philology,…

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RAMSTEDT, Gustaf John. Tammisaari 22.10.1873 — Helsinki 25.11.1950. Finnish Altaic Scholar. Son of Gustaf Adolf Ramstedt, a machineman, and Edla Matilda Holmberg. Studies of classics, Sanskrit (under Donner and Reuter) and Finno-Ugrian at Helsinki. M.A. 1898, Lic. phil. (Ph.D.) 1902 (diss. on Mari language under E. N. Setälä), Docent of…

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TUBJANSKIJ, Mihail Izrailevič

TUBJANSKIJ, Mihail Izrailevič. St.Petersburg 6.(18.)1893 — Leningrad 24.11.1937 (not 1943). Russian Indologist (Sanskrit and Bengali) and Tibetologist. Son of a Jewish official. Graduated 1919 from Oriental Faculty, Petrograd, student of Ščerbackoj and Vladimircov (Mongolian). In 1920-27 and 1937 taught Bengali at Institute of Living Oriental Languages and at Oriental Institute,…

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