KOWALEWSKI, Józef Szczepan

KOWALEWSKI, Józef Szczepan (Joseph Etienne K., Russian Osip Mihajlovič Kovalevskij). Grodno (now Hrodna in Belarus) 9.1.1801(28.12.1800) — Warsaw 20.10.(7.11.)1878. Polish Mongolian and Buddhist Scholar in Russia. Professor in Kazan and Warsaw. Born in a polonized family apparently of Belarusian origin, exact birth-place seems to be uncertain (see Wikipedia). Son of…

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JÜLG, Bernhard

JÜLG, Bernhard. Ringelbach bei Oberkirch, Baden 20.8.1825 — Innsbruck 14.8.1886. German Oriental and Classical Scholar in Austria. Professor in Cracow and Innsbruck. Born in a Catholic farmer family, son of Bernhard Jülg and Maria Josepha Peter (1805–1841). Gymnasium from 1839 in Offenburg, 1843-44 in Mannheim. In 1844-45 studied classical philology…

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JAKIMOV, Aristarh Tihonovič

JAKIMOV, Aristarh Tihonovič. Selenginsk, Zabajkal’skij obl. (Burjatia) 28.9. (10.10.)1895 — 22.12.1976. Russian (Buryat) Scholar of Mongolian, Buddhism and Lamaism. Son of a minister. In 1917-22 participated in the civil war, in 1940-45 in the WW II. Graduated 1940 from Moscow Inst. Vostokovedenija. In 1940-52 served in the Red Army. Kand.…

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HAMBIS, Louis George Rémy. Ligugé (Vienne) 18.12.1906 — Paris 10.10.1978. French Central Asian Scholar. Professor in Paris. Son of an industrialist. In 1927-28 studies of history, but also under Pelliot, diplome of É.P.H.É. In 1942-47 Chargé de cours de mongol at É.L.O.V. In 1947-50 Administrateur of Centre d’études sinologiques de…

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GABELENTZ, Hans Conon von der

GABELENTZ, Hans Conon von der. Altenburg (Thüringen) 13.10.1807 — Lemnitz bei Triptis (Thüringen) 3.9.1874. German Linguist. Son of chancellor Leopold v. d. G. (1778–1831) and Marianne von Seebach (1784–1876), of an old Saxonian noble family. Together with the publisher F. A. Brockhaus and two other friends the father invented the game known as…

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FÉER, Léon

FÉER, Henri Léon. Rouen 22.11.1830 — Paris 10.3.1902. French Indologist and Buddhist Scholar. Librarian in Paris. Probably son of Paul Féer (1792–1847) and Jeanne Marie Labauche (Wikitree on Isabelle Féer mentions him as her uncle, but the same on Paul Féer does not list him among his children). Educated in…

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BLEICHSTEINER, Robert. Vienna 6.1.1891 — Vienna 10.4.1954. Austrian Linguist, Scholar of Iranian and Caucasian Languages and Ethnology, later also of Mongolian and Tibetan.  Son of Josef Ludwig Bl. School and studies in Vienna. Ph.D. 1913 Vienna, then worked in a library. From 1922 PD for Caucasian Linguistics there, tit. ao.…

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BIČURIN, Iakinf (Hyacinth, originally Nikita Jakovlevič B.)

BIČURIN, Iakinf (Hyacinth, originally Nikita Jakovlevič B.). Akulevo, Tsivil’skij district, Kazan Province 29.8.1777* — St.Petersburg 11.5.1853. Russian (Čuvaš) Monk, Orthodox Priest, Sinologist and Central Asian Scholar. Son of a deacon, graduated from Kazan Ecclesiastical Academy in 1799. Ordained as monk in 1802. Head of the Ninth Spiritual Mission of the…

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AALTO, Pentti

AALTO, Pentti. Pori 22.7.1917 — Helsinki 30.11.1998. Finnish Classical Scholar, Linguist, Altaist and Indologist. Son of shop assistant Martti Johannes A. and Martta Elisabeth Lindroos. Matriculation from Porin lyseo in 1935, then studies of com­parative, oriental and classical philology at Helsinki University: M.A. 1939, Lic. Phil. 1949, Ph.D. 1949. During…

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