LEHMANN, Johannes Edvard. Copenhagen 19.8.1862 — Copenhagen 23.3.1930. Danish Scholar of Comparative and Iranian Religion. Professor in Lund (Sweden). Son of Heinrich L. (1815–1890), a medical Professor in a family of officials with German origin, and Signe Mackeprang (1819–1911). Matriculated in 1880 from Copenhagen, then studies of theology (under F.…

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KÜHNEL, Paul Ernst Wilhelm Arthur. Neubrandenburg (Mecklenburg) 26.10.1882 — Berlin 5.8.1964. German Art Historian. Son of Paul K., a gymnasium teacher, and Eva-Hedwig Braun (d. 1885). Planned career as diplomat and studied in Paris and Vienna, but from 1902 art history and archaeology at Munich, then Heidelberg. Ph.D. 1906 Heidelberg (diss.…

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KOHLER, Josef. Offenburg 9.3.1849 — Berlin-Charlottenburg 3.8.1919. German Legal Scholar interested in India. Son of an elementary school teacher, the elder Josef K. and Amalie Schmieder, educated in Offenburg and Rastatt. Studies of law at Heidelberg and Freiburg, promotion 1873. After some time as attorney in Mannheim became without habilitation…

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KLAEBER, Frederick (Friedrich)

KLAEBER, Frederick (Friedrich). Beetzendorf, Preussen 1.10.1863 — Bad Kösen, D.D.R. 4.10.1954. German Linguist in the U.S.A. Son of Hermann and Luise Kl. Studies at Leipzig, Halle, Kiel, and Berlin. Ph.D. 1892 Berlin. In 1893 emigrated to the U.S.A. At University of Minnesota: 1893-96 Instructor of Old and Middle English, 1896-98…

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KIEPERT, Heinrich

KIEPERT, Heinrich. Berlin 31.7.1818 — Berlin 21.4.1899. German Geographer, Cartographer, and Historian of Geography. Professor in Berlin. Son of Samuel K. (1763–1836), a merchant, and Christiane Henriette Beer. Educated at Joachimsthaler Gymnasium (where A. Meineke was his teacher), became soon interested in ancient history and geog­raphy. From 1836 studies of…

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HUTH, Georg

HUTH, Georg. Krotoschin, Posen (now Krotoszyn in Poland) 25.2.1867 — Berlin 1.6.1906. German Indologist and Tibetologist. Born in a Jewish family in the then Prussian part of Poland, where his father Aron Huth (d. 1893) was Rector of a Jewish school, mother Keile Pincus (thus Vogel & ancestry.com, Knüppel has…

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HUMBOLDT, Wilhelm, Freiherr von

HUMBOLDT, Friedrich Wilhelm Christian Carl Ferdinand, Freiherr von. Potsdam 22.6.1767 — Tegel bei Berlin 8.4.1835. German Diplomat and Linguist interested in Sanskrit. Son of the Prussian Kammerherr and Major Alexander Georg von H. (1720–1779, his father Johannes Paul von H. had obtained the Prussian title of nobility in 1738) and…

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HUMBOLDT, Alexander von

HUMBOLDT, Friedrich Wilhelm Heinrich Alexander von. Berlin 14.9.1769 — Berlin 6.5.1859. German Geographer and Explorer. Son of the Prussian Kammerherr and Major Alexander Georg von H. (1720–1779, his father Johannes Paul von H. had obtained the Prussian title of nobility in 1738) and Marie Elisabeth von Holwede (a widow, née von…

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HERZFELD, Ernst Emil. Celle, Lower Saxony 23.7.1879 — Basel 21.1.1948. German Archaeologist, later in the U.S.A. Professor in Berlin and Princeton. Son of Joseph H., Prussian military doctor, and Margarethe Rosenthal. After gymnasium in Verden and Berlin and one year military service he studied at Technische Hochschule in Berlin-Charlottenburg, 1903…

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HERRMANN, Albert Ludwig. Hannover 20.1.1886 — Pilsen (Plzen in Czech) 19.4.1945. German Scholar of Historical Geography. Son of school director Konrad H. and Bertha Engelnord. After school in Lingen/Ems studied from 1904 at Göttingen, Ph.D. there 1910 (under H. Wagner). Worked as school-teacher until 1933. From 1923 PD at Berlin,…

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