HEINZ, Adam. Cracow 20.11.1914 — Cracow 1.6.1984. Polish IE and Slavic Linguist. Professor at Cracow. After school in Cracow in 1934-46 studies of classics and IE under Kuryłowicz et al. at Lwów (Lviv). Ph.D. 1950 Cracow, under Safarewicz. In 1959-70 taught Latin, Greek and Slavonic at Cracow Pedagogical University. From…

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SAFAREWICZ, Jan. Daugavpils (Latvia) 8.2.1904 — Cracow 9.4.1992. Polish IE Linguist. Professor at Krakow. Son of tax official, lost early his parentsa and grew up with his uncle, a Professor of Medicine at Wilno (Vilnius), studied there linguistics and classics. Ph.D. 1927 in Indo-European Linguistics. Further studies in Paris, under…

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WILLMAN-GRABOWSKA, Helena Antonina Maria. Warsaw 4.1.1870 — Cracow 31.10.1957. Polish Indologist. Professor in Krakow. Daughter of Józef Grabowski and Elżbieta Lipińska. After school in Warsaw she became a schoolteacher in 1887 (when 17). Soon active in anti-Russian movement. Women were then not allowed to the university, but she studied privately…

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ROZWADOWSKI, Jan Michał. Czarna near Tarnów 7.12.1867 — Warsaw 14.3.1935. Polish IE and Slavic Linguist and Gipsy Scholar. Professor in Cracow. Studies of classics at Cracow, graduated 1891. In 1891-95 further studies at Leipzig under Brugman and Leskien. From 1897 PD and from 1899 eo. Professor at Cracow, from 1904…

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POBOŻNIAK, Tadeusz. Cracow 1910 — 26.1.1991 (when 80). Polish Indologist and Gipsy Scholar. Professor in Cracow. Born in a poor family, his father served in City Council guard.Educated in Cracow. Studied at Cracow IE (under Rozwadowski) and Germanic, then also Sanskrit under Willman-Grabowska. M.A. 1938 with a diss. on conjunctive…

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MILEWSKI, Tadeusz. Kołomyja 17.5.1906 — Cracow 5.3.1966. Polish IE, Slavic, Amerindian and General Linguist. Professor in Cracow. Son of Feliks M., a physician. In 1925-29 studies of Slavic at Lwów, Ph.D. 1929 there. In 1929-31 further studies of IE and Sanskrit at Cracow (under Rozwadowski and Willman-Grabowska) and 1931-33 in Paris…

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MAŃKOWSKI, Leon (von / M. h. Zaremba). Podolia 6.11.1858 — Cracow 18.4.1909. Polish (Austrian) Indologist. Professor in Cracow. Son of Walery M. and Tekla Natalia Łaźnińska. After law studies started Indology at Breslau (Stenzler, Hillebrandt), then under Bühler at Vienna, later also at Leipzig. Dr. iuris. Habilitation 1892 at Vienna. Ph.D.…

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LĄCZAK, Józef (until the 1970s Lonczak). Książnica (near Mielec) 5.12.1926 — 21.8.1989. Polish Linguist, began as an Indologist, but moved into the Finno-Ugrian studies. After school (in wartime in secret courses) at Mielec, from 1947 studies of Indology (Willman-Grabowska) and Polish Philology at Cracow, graduated M.A. in 1952 (diss. “Indian Studies…

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KURYŁOWICZ, Jerzy. Stanisławów (now Ivano-Frankivsk in Ukraina) 26.8.1895 — Cracow 28.1.1978. Polish IE Scholar. Born in what was then the Polish part of Austro-Hungarian empire, son of Roman K. and Flora Kleczyńska. Gymnasium in Lemberg (L’viv). In 1913-14 and again 1918-20 studies at commercial school and Oriental Academy in Vienna,…

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JÜLG, Bernhard

JÜLG, Bernhard. Ringelbach bei Oberkirch, Baden 20.8.1825 — Innsbruck 14.8.1886. German Oriental and Classical Scholar in Austria. Professor in Cracow and Innsbruck. Born in a Catholic farmer family, son of Bernhard Jülg and Maria Josepha Peter (1805–1841). Gymnasium from 1839 in Offenburg, 1843-44 in Mannheim. In 1844-45 studied classical philology…

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