KLUGE, Friedrich

KLUGE, Friedrich. Köln 21.6.1856 — Freiburg i.Br. 21.5.1926. German Germanist also interested in IE Linguistics. Son of Karl Kluge and Karolina Schnitz. Gymnasium in Höxter and Soest. From 1874 studies of comparative, classical and modern linguistics at Leipzig (Leskien, Curtius, et al.) and Heidelberg (Hübschmann et al.). Ph.D. 1878 Strassburg.…

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HOLTZMANN, Adolf (junior)

HOLTZMANN, Adolf (der jüngere). Karlsruhe 20.12.1838 — Freiburg i. B. 17.2.1914. German Indologist. Professor in Freiburg i. Br. Nephew of —> A. H. d.ä. Son of Karl Julius H. (1804–1877), a minister and Theologian, and Adelheid Sprenger. Studies at Heidelberg under his uncle and at Erlangen under Spiegel. Ph.D. 186?…

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HARDY, Edmund

HARDY, Edmund Georg Nicolaus. Mainz 9.7.1852 — Bonn 10.10.1904. German Catholic Priest and Indologist. Son of pharmacist Edmund H. (1816–1878) and Ottilie Moufang (1818–1852), school in Mainz. After studies at Mainz Catholic Episcopal Seminar in 1871-75 he was ordained priest 19.1.1875. In 1875-85 chaplain of Heppenheim an der Bergstrasse in…

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FRIEDLÄNDER, Walter Ferdinand. Glogau, Niederschlesien (now Głogów in Poland) 10.3.1873 — New York 8.9. 1966. German Student of Indology, then Art Historian, later in the U.S.A. Son of Sigismund Fr. and Anna Joachimsthal, lost early his parents and grew up at his sister in Berlin. Studied Indology at Berlin, among…

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