KLAEBER, Frederick (Friedrich)

KLAEBER, Frederick (Friedrich). Beetzendorf, Preussen 1.10.1863 — Bad Kösen, D.D.R. 4.10.1954. German Linguist in the U.S.A. Son of Hermann and Luise Kl. Studies at Leipzig, Halle, Kiel, and Berlin. Ph.D. 1892 Berlin. In 1893 emigrated to the U.S.A. At University of Minnesota: 1893-96 Instructor of Old and Middle English, 1896-98…

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HOFMANN, Erich. Mühlhausen, Thüringen 4.3.1895 — Kiel 7.11.1982. German IE Linguist. Professor in Kiel. Son of a school director, educated in Görlitz and Wiesbaden. In 1913-22 studies of classics and comparative linguistics at Göttingen (but in 1914-19 in military service). Ph.D. 1922 Göttingen, 1923-25 further studies of Slavic and Balkanology…

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JOHANNSEN, Carl Theodor

JOHANNSEN, Carl Theodor. Nortorf, Holstein 8.11.1804 — Copenhagen 1.7.1840. Danish Oriental Scholar. Professor in Copenhagen. Son of a teacher, Johann J., and Catharina Kroymann, educated in Glückstadt. Studies of classical and Oriental languages at Kiel and Bonn. Ph.D. 1828 Bonn. Further studies in Paris, in 1830-31 Docent of Oriental Languages…

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JACOBI, Hermann

JACOBI, Hermann Georg. Köln 11.2.1850 (or 1.2.?) — Bonn 19.10.1937. German Indologist. Professor in Bonn. Son of a steam mill owner, Friedrich Heinrich Otto J. (1803–1880) and Caroline Zeiz. Roman Catholic, educated in Köln. From 1868 studies of mathematics at Berlin, switched soon to Sanskrit and IE. Through Weber he…

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JACOB, Georg

JACOB, Georg. Königsberg 26.5.1862 — Kiel 4.7.1937. German Oriental (Arabic and Turkish) scholar also interested in India. Lost early his father and was raised by his mother, Julie Therese Jacob (née Rossbach). After gymnasium in Königsberg he started as a student of theology, but soon turned into Oriental philology. Studies…

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GUTSCHMID, Alfred, Freiherr von

GUTSCHMID, Alfred Hermann, Freiherr von. Loschwitz bei Dresden 1.7.1831 — Tübingen 2.3.1887. German Historian, Classical Philologist and Oriental Scholar. Professor in Tübingen. Son of Hermann von G. (1801–1836), a lawyer, and Luise von G. (1797–1848), educated in Dresden. From 1848 studies of classics and history at Leipzig and Bonn. Ph.D.…

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FRAENKEL, Ernst Eduard Samuel. Berlin 16.10.1881 — Hamburg 2.10.1957. German IE, Greek, and Balto-Slavic Linguist. Professor in Kiel and Hamburg. Son of Albert Fr. (1848–1916), a specialist of internal medicine in Berlin, and Gertrud Strassmann. From 1899 studies of Sanskrit, classics and Indo-European at Bonn and Berlin (W. Schulze). Ph.D.…

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DUMONT, Paul-Émile

DUMONT, Paul-Émile. Brussels 27.8.1879 — Baltimore 8.12.1968. Belgian Indologist in the U.S.A. Professor in Baltimore. Son of Constant Louis Michel D., the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Belgium, and Hermine Devos. Studies at Bruxelles in 1897-99, graduated in philosophy. Now studied Sanskrit at Bologna under Pullé. Ph.D. 1903…

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DILLMANN, Christian Friedrich August. Illingen bei Maulbronn 25.4.1823 — Berlin 4.7.1894. German Semitic Scholar, famous Pioneer of Ethiopian Studies. Professor in Berlin. Son of Elias D., a school principal, and Christiana Louisa Wiemeg. Studied theology and philology at Tübingen, mainly under Ewald, but also Roth and Schleicher. Ph.D. 1846. Ordained…

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DEUSSEN, Paul Jakob. Oberdreis/Westerwald, Kr. Neuwied 7.1.1845 — Kiel 6.7.1919. German Indologist and Philosopher. Professor in Kiel. Son of Adam D., a minister, and Jakobine Ingelbach. Attended Gymnasium in Elberfeld and Landesschule in Pforta, where his classmate and future life-long friend Friedrich Nietzsche introduced him to Schopenhauer’s philosophy. In 1864-69…

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