OSIPOV, Aleksandr Mihajlovič

OSIPOV, Aleksandr Mihajlovič. Karsunsk. u. Simbirsk. gub. 11.(23.)8.1897 — 19.2.1969. Russian Historian of India. Son of a farmer. Graduated 1926 from Moscow. Kand. ist. nauk 1942, Docent 1942, Professor 1963. In 1932-36 naučnyj sotrudnik at International Agrarian Institute. Taught at Moscow Oriental Institute in 1926-35 and from 1936 at Moscow…

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NASILOV, Vladimir Mihajlovič

NASILOV, Vladimir Mihajlovič. Zarajsk, Gub. Rjazan 15.(27.)5.1893 — Moscow 20.5.1970. Russian Central Asian Scholar, specialist of Uigur (ancient and modern). Son of a priest, educated in Zarajsk. Graduated 1917 from Lazarevskij Institut, Moscow. In 1928-30 naučnyj sotrudnik at Institute of Peoples of Soviet Union, in 1930-35 taught at Communist University…

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MIRONOV, Nikolaj Dmitrievič

MIRONOV, Nikolaj Dmitrievič. Dresden, Germany 25.9.(13.9.)1880 — Ariana, Tunisia 1936. Russian Indologist. Son of Dmitrij Gavrilovič Mironov and his wife Taisija Alekseevna. After Gymnasium in St.Petersburg in 1891-98 studies at univer­sity there in 1898-99, and in Germany: 1899-1901 at Strassburg under Hübschmann and Leumann, 1901-02 at Berlin under Geldner, Sieg…

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MILLER, Vsevolod Fëdorovič

MILLER, Vsevolod Fëdorovič. Moscow 7.(19.)4.1848 — St.Petersburg 5.(18.)11.1913. Russian Indo-Iranian Scholar. Son of poet Fëdor Bogdanovič Miller (1818–1881), grew up in Moscow. From 1866 studies at Hist.-Philological Faculty of Moscow University, soon moved to Physical-Mathematical Faculty, but still followed Petrov’s teaching. After graduation in spring 1870 conducted fieldwork with Fortunatov…

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MILLER, Boris Vsevolodovič

MILLER, Boris Vsevolodovič. Moscow 31.10.(12.11.)1877 — Moscow 6.8.1956. Russian Scholar of Iranian History. Son of —> Vsevolod F. Miller and Evgenija Viktorovna Nasonova. After gymnasium in Moscow studied from 1895 and graduated 1899 from Juridical Faculty, Moscow, and 1903 from Lazarevskij Institut. In 1903-17 in diplomatic service in Iran, Turkey…

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MERVART, Ljudmila Aleksandrovna

MERVART, Ljudmila Aleksandrovna (née Levina). St.Petersburg 25.8. (6.9.)1888 — Moscow 9.9.1965. Russian Indologist, Anthropologist and South-East Asian (Indonesian) Scholar. Daughter of Aleksandr Mihajlovič Levin, Professor at Academy of Military Medicine. Gymnasium in St.Petersburg. Began study at St.Petersburg Oriental Faculty in 1910, married 1912. In 1914-18 in India and Sri Lanka…

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MEDVEDEV, Evgenij Mihajlovič

MEDVEDEV, Evgenij Mihajlovič. Moscow 23.11.1932 — 27.10.1985. Russian Indologist (Historian). Son of official. Graduated 1956 from Moscow. Kand. ist. nauk 1967. In 1956-57 naučnyj sotrudnik at Inst. vostokovedov, 1957-60 naučnyj redaktor. From 1960 Director of Institut vost. jazyki in Moscow. Docent 1972. A specialist of ancient history of India. Publications:…

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KORSCH, Theodor

KORSCH, Theodor (Fedor Evgen’evič KORŠ). Moscow 22.4.(4.5.)1843 — Moscow 16.2. (1.3.)1915. Russian IE Linguist and Sanskrit Scholar. Son of Evgenij Fëdorovič K., a journalist. After classical education started in 1860 studies of classical philology, Sanskrit (under Petrov), Arabic, Persian and Turkish at Moscow University. Candidate’s degree 1864, Magister 1868 Moscow,…

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FORTUNATOV, Filip Fedorovič

FORTUNATOV, Filipp Fëdorovič. Vologda 14(2).1.1848 — Kosalma near Petrozavodsk 3.10.(20.9.)1914. Russian Indologist and Linguist. Son of Fëdor Nikolaevič F., a teacher, and Julija Aleksandrovna Monakova (d. 1857). Studies at Moscow under Petrov and others, graduated in 1868. Then further studies in 1872-73 at Tübingen (Roth), Berlin (Weber), Leipzig (Curtius, Leskien)…

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DYMŠIC, Zalman Movševič

DYMŠIC, Zalman Movševič. Janovič near Vitebsk 25.5.1921 — Moscow 6.1.1990. Russian Indologist, specialist of Hindi/Urdu. Born in Belarus, son of an official. In 1940-46 in Red Army, then studies at Moscow. Graduated in 1950. In 1953-54 taught at Oriental Institute in Moscow, from 1954 at Moscow Institute of International Relations.…

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