MARKBY, William

MARKBY, William. Duxford, Cambridgeshire 31.5.1829 — Headington, Oxford 15.10.1914. Sir. British Lawyer. Son of Rev. William Henry Markby, Rector of Duxford, and Sophia Randall. Educated at Bury St.Edmunds. From 1846 studies at Merton College, Oxford (degree in mathematics 1850). Fellow of All Soul’s College and Balliol College. Called to the…

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MAINE, Henry

MAINE, Henry  James Sumner. Kelso, Roxburghshire 15.8.1822 — Cannes, France 3.2.1888. Sir. British Lawyer and Legal Historian in India. Son of Dr. James Maine and Eliza Fell, educated at Christ’s Hospital, London. From 1840 studies at Pembroke College, Cambridge (B.A.). Called to the bar from Lincoln’s Inn 1850. In 1847-54…

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HOWLEY, Thomas

HOWLEY, Thomas. 1831 — 1906. British Teacher in India. Son of elder Thomas H., of Bangalore. Educated at Bishop Cowie’s Grammar School in Madras. Head-Master of Anglo-Vernaculat School in Ellore, Madras Presidency. From 1861 (unpaid) Professor of Tamil, Telugu and  Hindustani at King’s College, London. Hon. M.A. 1881 Oxford, Balliol…

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RANKING, George S. A.

RANKING, George Speirs Alexander. Hastings, Sussex 1.1.1852 — Caversham, Berkshire 14.6.1934. British Physician and Oriental Scholar in India. Son of Robert Ranking (1785–1867) and Isabella Spiers (1810–1883). Educated at St.Catharine’s College in Cambridge, studied medicine in London. In 1875-1905 in Indian Medical Service, finally as Lieutenant-Colonel. M.A. Then 1905-20 University Lecturer in…

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KAY, William

KAY, William. Pickering, North Yorkshire 8.4.1820 — 16.1.1886. Rev. British Teacher in India. Son of Thomas and Ann Kay, educated in Giggleswigg. Studies at Lincoln College, Oxford, graduated 1839. Fellow of his college 1840, Tutor and M.A. 1842. Ordained as priest 1843. B.D. 1849. From 1849 Principal of Bishop’s College…

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BRAUNHOLTZ, Gustav Ernst Karl

BRAUNHOLTZ, Gustav Ernst Karl. Cambridge 19.3.1887 — 21.4.1967. British Linguist (IE and Classic). Son of Eugen Gustav Br. (1859–1941), German academician who moved in 1884 to Cambridge (note his diss. Die erste nichtchristliche Parabel des Barlaam und Josaphat. Ihre Herkunft und Verbreitung. 8+110 p. Halle 1884). Studies at Cambridge (B.A.…

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WRIGHT, Joseph

WRIGHT, Joseph. Idle near Bradford, Yorkshire 31.10.1855 — Oxford 27.2.1930. British Linguist. Son of Dufton Wright (d. 1866), a woollen cloth weaver and quarryman, and Sarah Ann Atkinson, a modest family. Working from childhood in various odd jobs he started night-school when 15, concentrating on languages, and in 1876 went…

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ST. ANDREW ST. JOHN, Richard Fleming

ST. ANDREW ST. JOHN, Richard Fleming. Ealing (?) 12.9.1839 — Brentford, Middlesex 6.2.1919. British Officer and Burmese Scholar. Son of Henry St.Andrew St.John and Emily Murray Belcher. Lieutenant. Deputy Commissioner in Burma. In the 1890s he taught Burmese at Oxford and at University College in London (1894), at least at…

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RADCLIFFE-BROWN, Alfred Reginald

RADCLIFFE-BROWN, Alfred Reginald (born A. R. Brown). Sparkbrook, Birmingham 17.1.1881 — London 24.10.1955. British Anthropologist. Son of Alfred Brown (d.1886), a manufacturer’s clerk, and Hannah Radcliffe. Educated in Birmingham, from 1901 studies at Cambridge (Trinity College: B.A. 1905, M.A. 1909, under W. H. R. Rivers, Fellow of College 1908-14). Anthropological…

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RABIN, Chaim

RABIN, Chaim Menachem. Giessen 22.11.1915 — Jerusalem 13.5.1996. Israeli (born in Germany) Linguist and Semitic Scholar. Son of historian Israel Rabin and Martel Wolodarsky. Educated in Frankfurt a. M., after matriculation in 1933 moved to Jerusalem.. In 1933-34 studies at Hebrew University in Jerusalem, then at S.O.A.S. B.A. 1937 London.…

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