DAFFINÀ, Paolo. Rome 26.6.1929 — 23.11.2004. Italian Indologist. Professor in Rome. Studies in Rome under Tucci and Petech. Ph.D. 1953 Rome. In 1954-55 and 1955-56 further studies at Nagpur and Poona (under Gokhale) in India. From 1959 Assistant, 1965 PD and 1967 Professor incaricato of East Asian History in Rome,…

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GARGANO, Antonio

GARGANO, Antonio. Grumento Nova, Lucania 1914 — Ibid. (?) 1997. Italian Indologist. Studies at Rome under Formichi and Tucci. Ph.D. Assistant, then Lecturer in Modern Aryan Languages and Literature at Rome. He collaborated with Tucci in the 1950s, in 1979 General Secretary of IsMEO. Called Professor. After retirement returned to…

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MONTESI, Giancarlo

MONTESI, Giancarlo. 1928 — 1983. Italian Scholar of Religion. Ph.D. 1954 Rome, under Pettazzoni. Worked at La Sapienzà teaching comparative religion. Publications: Diss. Tamas – Usas – Rtà. [1954]. – “II valore cosmico dell’Aurora nel pensiero mitologico del Rig-Veda”, Studi e materiali per la storia delle religioni 24-25, 1953-54, 111-132; “Uṣāsānaktā. Mitologia vedica della notte”, Studi…

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FERRARI, Alfonsa

FERRARI, Alfonsa. Aquila 1.11.1918 — 1.1.1954. Italian Indologist. Professor in Rome. Grew up in Milano, studied in Rome, graduated in 1941 under Formichi and 1945 under Tucci (Indian religion and philosophy). From 1945 assistente straordinario di sanscrit. In 1946 and 1947-48 further studies of Buddhism, Tibetan and Sanskrit literature in…

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TUCCI, Giuseppe

TUCCI, Giuseppe Vincenzo. Macerata 5.6.1894 — S. Polo de’ Cavalieri near Rome 5.4.1984. Italian Indologist, Sinologist and Tibetan Scholar. Professor in Rome. Born in a middle-class family, son of Oscar Tucci and Ermengilda Firmani. Learned Latin and Greek at school and privately some Sanskrit. Studied at Rome (originally Latin, soon Sanskrit…

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PETTAZZONI, Raffaele. San Giovanni in Persiceto, near Bologna 3.2.1883 — Rome 8.12.1959. Italian Scholar of Comparative Religion. Professor in Rome. Son of Cesare P. and Maria Luigia Minezzi. Studies of archaeology, etc. at Bologna and Rome. Ph.D. 1905 Bologna. From 1909 worked at Sardinian Department of Antiquities in Museo preistorico…

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PAGLIARO, Antonino

PAGLIARO, Antonino. Mistretta, Messina 1.1.1898 — ibid. 6.12.1973. Italian Classical and Iranian Scholar, Exegete, and Philosopher of Language. Professor in Rome. Son of Vincenzo Pagliaro and Grazia Passarella. After school in Mistretta studies at Palermo and Frorence, then further studies 1922-24 at Heidelberg (Bartholomae) and 1925 at Vienna (Kretschmer). From…

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MESSINA, Giuseppe

MESSINA, Giuseppe. San Cataldo, Sicily 6.1.1893 — Messina 28.6.1951. Father. S.J. Italo-French Scholar of Iranian and of History of Religion. Born near Caltanisetta in Sicily. Joined the Jesuits and studied philosophy in France and theology in the Netherlands, ordained priest in 1922. Then studied Iranian philology in Rome (Pontifical Biblical Institute,…

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LIGNANA, Giacomo

LIGNANA, Giacomo. Tronzano Vercellese, Piemonte 19.12.1827 (hardly 1830) — Rome 10.2.1891 (or 10.1. or 10.12.). Italian Linguist and Indologist. Professor in Naples and Rome. Born in Piemonte, son of Giuseppe L. and Margherita Lebbole. Studies at Turin, then 1848-49 under Lassen at Bonn and Spiegel at Erlangen. For  while taught…

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FORMICHI, Carlo. Naples 14.2.1871 — Rome 13.12.1943. Italian Indologist. Professor in Rome. Son of a stockbroker, mother of Greek origin. Studied at Naples law and letters (Indology under Kerbaker), laureatosi in Giurisprudenza 1891, in Lettere 1893. In 1894-95 taught at Ginnasio di Reggio di Calabria. In 1896-97 further studies of…

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