FALK, Maryla

FALK, Maryla. Lemberg (Lwów, now L’viv) 26.4.1906 — Chamonix (Hautes Alpes) 13.6.1980. Polish Indologist. Born in the then Austrian Lemberg (now L’viv in Ukraina). Many details of her life are unavailable. Thus it remains unknown, whether she actually lived in Poland (possibly in Warsaw), but at least she seems to…

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DE STEFANI, Eduardo Luigi

DE STEFANI, Eduardo Luigi. Naples 4.6.1869 — Rome 10.9.1921 (hardly 1913?). Italian Linguist (Greek Scholar) interested in Indology. Professor in Rome. After studies at Florence under Pavolini he was appointed in 1910 the “incaricato dell’ insegnamento della grammatica latina e greca” at R. Università di Roma and stayed there until…

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DE GUBERNATIS, Angelo. Turin 7.4.1840 — Rome 26.12.1913. Count. Italian Indologist. Professor in Florence and Rome. Born in a noble family, son of Giambattista De G., a revenue official, and Maria Cleofe Turchetti; his brother was the diplomat and geographer Enrico De G. (1836–1914), his sister the educator Teresia De…

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CAPPIERI, Mario. 1894 — 1979. Italian Anthropologist. Professor of Anthropology in Rome (in the 1950s Assistant). Publications: “Le caste degli intoccabili in India”, Rivista di Antropoligia 35, 1947, 424-429; “Unità ed omogeneità antropologica degli Andamanesi”, Anthropos 57, 1962, 374-433; other articles on the Andamanese. – L’India preistorica. 233 p. 32…

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BUSSAGLI, Mario. Siena 23.9.1917 — Frosinone, Lazio 14.8.1988. Italian Art Historian. Professor in Rome. Studies under Tucci at Rome (graduated 1940 with a diss. on Gandhāra art. After war Docent at La Sapienza (Rome), first also librarian, from 1957 professore straordinario di Storia dell’ Arte dell’ India e dell’ Asia…

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BIANCHI, Ugo. Cavriglia, Arezzo 13.10.1922 — Firenzuola, Florence 14.4.1995. Italian Scholar of Iranian Religion. Grew up in Rome. Studies of classical philology, ancient history and especially History of Religions at Sapienza in Rome under Pettazzoni. Ph.D. 1944. In 1952-56 member of Istituto italiano per la storia antica in Rome, also…

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BAUSANI, Alessandro

BAUSANI, Alessandro. Rome 29.5.1921 — Rome 11.3.1988. Italian Orientalist (Persian Scholar). Grew up in a stricly religious Catholic family, educated in Rome. Studies in Rome, graduated 1943. Ph.D. From 1944 incaricato di lingua e letteratura persiana, Università di Roma, 1951-56 lettore ordinario; 1956-71 prof. di lingua e letteratura persiana, I.U.O.N.…

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BALLINI, Ambrogio

BALLINI, Ambrogio. Asola (near Mantova) 19.7.1879 — 20.3.1950. Italian Indologist, especially Jaina Scholar. Professor in Padua, Milano and Rome. Studied at the university of Bologna, interested soon in Sanskrit (under Formichi), but also acquainted himself with Greek and Latin. Further studies in Germany (at Bonn under Jacobi), at Padua (Teza)…

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