ALLARD, Jean François

ALLARD, Jean François. St.Tropez 8.3.1785 — Peshawar 23.1.1839. French General in North-West India. From 1803 in cavalry, served in Italy and was the aide-de-camp of marshal Brune. Like some other officers he turned after Waterloo to the East, visited first Iran, and continued then through Kandahar and Kabul to Lahore,…

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ALLAN, John. Longniddry or Bolton (both in East Lothian) 8.8.1884 — Edinburgh 26.8.1955. British (Scottish) Numismatician and Indologist. Son of John Gray Allan, a head master. Educated at Royal High School in Edinburgh and at the Universities of Edinburgh and Leipzig. From 1907 working in British Museum, in 1924-31 as Deputy…

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AL-GEORGE, Sergiu Anatol

AL-GEORGE, Sergiu Anatol. Tărgu Mureş 13.9.1922 — Bucharest 10.11.1981. Romanian Indologist. Born in Transylvania, son of Vasile Al-G., a lawyer and poet, and Antonina Donos. Educated at military high school in Tărgu Mureş and Chișinău, then in a civil high school in Bucharest From 1941 studied medicine at Bucharest and…

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ALEXANDER, James Edward

ALEXANDER, James Edward. Stirling 16.10.1803 — Ryde, Isle of Wight 2.4.1885. Sir. British (Scottish) Colonial Officer in India. Son of Edward Al. and Catherine Glas. Educated at Edinburgh, Glasgow and Sandhurst. In 1821 joined Madras cavalry. In February 1824 he visited the Ajanta Caves (he was not the first, the…

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ALEMANY Y BOLUFER, José. Cullera near Valencia 1.7.1866 — Madrid 26.10.1934. Spanish Linguist, translator of Sanskrit Texts. Born in a humble family he could only after many hardships begin his education in Valencia, and had again to interrupt it and work in his native village. He went on studying during…

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ALEKSANDROV, F. G. 18?? — 19??. Russian (Ukrainian?) Indologist or IE Scholar? He worked at Odessa University, but in 1922 was exiled as a member of KD Party and disappears. Publications: In Russian: “K skloneniju indoevropejskih osnov na -e/o v sanskritskom narečii drevneindijskogo”, Učenye zapiski vysšej školy g. Odessy 2…

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ALEKSANDROV, Aleksandr Ivanovič

ALEKSANDROV, Aleksandr Ivanovič. Kazan 16.4.1861 — 1917. Russian Slavist and IE Scholar. Son of a priest. Studies at Kazan (under Baudouin de Courtenay and Kruševskij) and Tartu. PD 1886 Tartu, soon (1886) Professor of Comparative Linguistics and Sanskrit at Harkov and from 1888 at Kazan. Publications: Wrote on Indo-European, Slavic,…

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ALBRIGHT, Ruth Norton (née Ruth Norton)

ALBRIGHT, Ruth Norton (née Ruth Norton). Elizabeth, Union County NJ 1.6.1892 — Baltimore 1.10.1979. U.S. Indologist. Student of Bloomfield at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. Ph.D. 1921 Johns Hopkins. Right after Ph.D., in 1921, she married her fellow-student, the soon well-known Semitic scholar William Foxwell Albright (1891–1971) and abandoned her…

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ALABASTER, Henry. Hastings 22.5.1836 — Bangkok 8.8.1884. British Diplomat in South-East Asia interested in Buddhism. Son of James Chaloner Al. and Harriet Woodman, educated at King’s College, London. Served as interpreter to British consulate-general in Bangkok 1864-71 (Wikipedia says from 1856), finally acting consul. Returned then to England and lived…

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AICHELE, Walter Gustav Paul. Höhefeld, Wertheim 27.1.1889 — Hamburg 1.5.1971. German Indonesian and Gipsy Scholar. Ph.D. 1915 Heidelberg, later Indonesian studies under Otto Dempwolff at Hamburg. PD 1946 Hamburg, from 1949-54 apl. Professor and from 1969 ord. of Indonesian languages there. Publications: With M. Block: Zigeunermärchen. 19+344 p. Die Märchen…

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