DEKKER, Gerbrand

DEKKER, Gerbrand Jan. Westzaan, North Holland 7.10.1882 — 1964. Dutch Orientalist and Scholar of Religion in Switzerland. Son of Klaas D. and Clazina Fortanier. Ph.D. Private scholar living in Meilen near Zürich. Married with Ellen. Publications: Die Rückwendung zum Mythos: Schellings letzte Wandlung. 220 p. Munich 1930. – “Der Kundalinī-Yoga.…

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DE GUBERNATIS, Angelo. Turin 7.4.1840 — Rome 26.12.1913. Count. Italian Indologist. Professor in Florence and Rome. Born in a noble family, son of Giambattista De G., a revenue official, and Maria Cleofe Turchetti; his brother was the diplomat and geographer Enrico De G. (1836–1914), his sister the educator Teresia De…

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DE FOREST (DeForest), Lockwood

DE FOREST (DeForest), Lockwood. New York City 23.6.1850 — Santa Barbara, Cal. 3.4.1932. U.S. Artist and Designer interested in Indian and Tibetan Art. Grew up in a wealthy family in New York, son of Henry Grant de Forest and Julia Mary Weeks. After studies in Rome he travelled in 1875-78…

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DEECKE, Wilhelm

DEECKE, Ernst Georg Wilhelm. Lübeck 1.4.1831 — Strassburg 2.1.1897. German Linguist, Founder of Etruscology. Son of Konrektor Ernst D. (1805–1862) and Christine Müller (1805–1838). Gymnasium in Lübeck, studies of Classical and Comparative IE Philology at Leipzig and Berlin (under Bopp et al.). Ph.D. 1870 Leipzig. Taught at schools in Lübeck…

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DE COU, Herbert Fletcher

DE COU, Herbert Fletcher. Good Harbor, Mich. 10.6.1868 — Cyrene (Libya) 11.3.1911. U.S. Classical Scholar. Son of Eber and Margaret DeCou. Educated at home and in Kendal, Mich. Studies at Detroit High School and from 1885 at University of Michigan (B.A. 1888). A.M. 1890 University of Michigan, in 1892-93 Instructor of…

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DEBRUNNER-RUDIN, Johann Albert. Basel 8.2.1884 — Bern 2.2.1958. Swiss Linguist. Professor in Bern and Jena. Son of Albert D., a potter, and Elisabeth Schaub, educated in Basel. From 1902 studies of classical philology and comparative linguistics at Basel (Sommer) and Göttingen (Wackernagel). Ph.D. 1907 Basel. In 1907-18 schoolteacher in Schiers,…

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DEASY, Henry Hugh Peter

DEASY, Henry Hugh Peter. Dublin 29.6.1866 — Carrigahorig, Co. Tipperary 24.1.1947. British (Irish) Officer and Traveller in Central Asia. Captain. “Son of Right Hon. Richard Deasy, Lord Justice of Appeal (Ireland),” and Monica O’Connor. He was “educated at Bournemouth and Dublin. Joined the 16th Lancers, 1888, and resigned his commission,…

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DAZA DE CAMPOS, Mario. Madrid 7.7.1863 — 1943. Spanish Classical Scholar interested in Sanskrit. Studies under Garcia Ayuso. Both Ph.D. and Lic. of Civil and Canonic Law. Ord. Professor of Sanskrit at Madrid University in the 1910s and still in the 1930s. Another source: Professor of Greek there from…

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DAVIS, Samuel

DAVIS, Samuel. West Indies 1760 — Croydon 16.6.1819. British Engineer and Civil Servant in India, interested in Indian Astronomy. Son of an officer, John D., lost early his father and came to England with his mother. He “went to Bengal as an officer of Engineers, was an excellent artist. Accompanied…

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DAVIS, Edwin Bell

DAVIS, Edwin Bell. Lawrence, MA 3.6.1866 — Franklin, NJ 23.7.1957. U.S. Linguist. Professor in New Brunswick, NJ. Son of Bryan Bell D. and Amelia Lockwood. Graduated from Dartmouth College (B.Litt. 1889). A.M. 1916 Rutgers. In 1889-90 teacher at a high school in New Brunswick, 1890-91 at Salt Lake City Academy,…

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