MOORE, Osbert (Ñānamoli Thera)

MOORE, Osbert John Salvin (Ñānamoli Thera). Cambridge 25.6.1905 — Veheragama near Mahawa 8.3.1960. British Bauddha and Buddhist Scholar. Lived in Sri Lanka 1949–60. Son of John Edmund Sharrock Moore (1870–1947), a biologist, and Heloise Salvin (1875–1927). Studies at Exeter College, Oxford. During the war served as officer in Italy, read Evola’s…

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MONTOLIÚ Y TOGORES, Francisco de. Tarragona 9.2.1861 — 10.5.1892. Spanish Professor at the School of Agricultural Engineering in Madrid, but also a Theosophist, the founder of the Spanish Theosophical Society (1889/91). Born in an aristocratic family of Barcelona. Publications: Under nom-de-plume Nemo published a translation of the Chāndogya Upaniṣad. 1891;…

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MONOD-BRUHL, Odette Geneviève Eugénie (née Bruhl). Paris 10.11.1906 — Paris 15.1.1972. French Art Historian. Born in a well-to-do Jewish family, daughter of Henri Bruhl and Berthe Buna Zadoc-Kahn. Curator in Musée Guimet. Married 1938 Jacques Monod (1910–1976), a noted biologist and biochemist, two sons. Publications: Aux Indes: sanctuaires. Cent trente-six…

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MONCHANIN, Jules (Swami Paramarubyananda)

MONCHANIN, Jules (Swami Paramarubyananda). Fleurie-en-Beaujolais 10.4.1895 — Paris 10.10.1957. Father. French Catholic Priest, Monk and Hermit, an ardent proponent of Hindu-Christian interfaith dialogue. Son of wine merchant Antoine M. and Marie-Ursule Janin. From 1912 studies at seminary in Lyon, during WW I also taught there (he was himself freed from…

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MILTNER, Vladimír

MILTNER, Vladimír. Plzeň 6.7.1933 — Mathura 13.1.1997. Czech Indologist (Sanskrit and Hindi Scholar). After gymnasium in Karlovy Vary studies at Prague. Ph.D. From 1967 worked as research scholar of the Czech Academy, first three years in Paris, with a long break for political reasons from the early 1970s to the…

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MILLER, Walter

MILLER, Samuel Walter. Ashland County, Ohio 5.5.1864 — Columbia, Missouri 28.7.1949. U.S. Linguist and Classical Scholar. Son of Samuel Miller and Harriet Romich, an agrarian family. A.M. 1884 Michigan, further studies at Leipzig against his father’s wishes, then 1885-86 at American School in Athens. In 1887-89 Instructor in Latin and…

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MICHEL, Charles

MICHEL, Charles Norbert Joseph Marie. 24.7.1853 — La Madeleine near Lille 21.12.1929. Belgian Classical Scholar interested in Sanskrit. Son of Norbert Hubert Michel and Elise Castelein. Studies of Classics and Sanskrit at Louvain (Nève), and Paris (Bergaigne). Dr. en philosophie et lettres 1876 Louvain. Docent at Liège until 1885, in…

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MICHALSKI-IWIEŃSKI, Stanisław Franciszek. Tarnogród 29.1.1881 — Łodz 8.8.1961. Polish Indologist. Professor in Łodz. Studies at Warsaw, then Indology at Vienna (L. v. Schroeder and P. Kretschmer) and Göttingen (Oldenberg & Wackernagel). Ph.D. 1912 Vienna. Durin WW I in Switzerland. In the 1920s and 1930s living in Warsaw, where he worked…

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MEYER-FRANCK, Helene (née Franck). 1873 — 1946. German Teacher and Translator of Tagore, from 1906 wife of —> H. Meyer-Benfey. Worked as schoolteacher in Hamburg.Learned Bengali for her translating work. Publications: Translated the majority of Rabindranath’s English books into German: Nationalismus. 151 p. Lp. 1919; Die Gabe des Liebenden. 52…

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MENDOZA, Gumersindo

MENDOZA, Gumersindo. Aculco 1829 — Ciudad de México 1886. Mexican Physician interested in Languages. Born in a modest family with Otomi background. Studies at Toluca and Mexico City. In 1868 one of the founders of Natural History Society of Mexico. In 1876-83 Curator of National Museum of Archaeology. An…

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