MLADENOW, Stefan. Vidin 27.12.1880 — Sofia 1.5.1963. Bulgarian IE and Slavic Linguist. Professor in Sofia. After school in Vidin studies in 1898-1902 at Sofia, 1903-04 at Vienna (under Kretschmer), 1904-05 at St.Petersburg (Baudouin de Courtenay). Ph.D. 1905 Prague (Czech University, in Slavic Studies). From 1910 PD, 1919 ao. and 1921…

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M’KECHNIE, J. F. (Bhikkhu Silacara)

M’KECHNIE, J. F. (Bhikkhu Silacara). Hull, Yorkshire 22.10.1872 — Chichester, West Sussex 27.1.1951. British (Scottish) Bauddha. Son of Scottish-English parents whom he lost early and grew in a family of relations. He had to work early and attend an evening school in Glasgow. He read much. In the middle of…

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MITSCHERLICH, Eilhard. Neuende, Herrschaft Jever 7.1.1794 — Schöneberg near Berlin 28.2.1863. German Chemist and Mineralogist, originally interested in Persian and Sanskrit. Professor of Chemistry in Berlin. Born in North-West Germany in an area then (1793-1807) under Russian rule as the son of Rev. Carl Gustav M. (1762–1826) and Marie Elisabeth…

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MITCHELL, John Murray. Garvock near Aberdeen 19.8.1815 — Leith, Edinburgh 14.11.1904. Rev. British (Scottish) Missionary in India. Son of Rev. James M. and Margaret Gordon. Educated and studied in Aberdeen, M.A. 1833 (Marischal College). Ordained in 1838 (Church of Scotland) and immediately sent to Bombay. “Taught in the Free General…

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MISTELI, Franz. Aesch, Solothurn 11.3.1841 — Brunnen 6.10.1903. Swiss IE, Indo-Iranian and Classical Scholar. Professor in Basel. Son of tailor Clement Calixt Misteli and Margaritha Nikola Neumann. After Canton School of Solothurn studies of classics and linguistics at Zürich, Bonn, Geneva, and Paris. Ph.D. Schoolteacher at gymnasium in St.Gallen in…

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MIRONOV, Nikolaj Dmitrievič

MIRONOV, Nikolaj Dmitrievič. Dresden, Germany 25.9.(13.9.)1880 — Ariana, Tunisia 1936. Russian Indologist. Son of Dmitrij Gavrilovič Mironov and his wife Taisija Alekseevna. After Gymnasium in St.Petersburg in 1891-98 studies at univer­sity there in 1898-99, and in Germany: 1899-1901 at Strassburg under Hübschmann and Leumann, 1901-02 at Berlin under Geldner, Sieg…

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MIRONAS, Ričardas

MIRONAS, Ričardas Gabrielius. Zaysan, Kazakhstan 5.4.1908 — Vilnius 26.4.1979. Lithuanian Linguist and Classical Philologist interested in Sanskrit and Comparative IE. Professor in Vilnius. Son of Petras M. and Lioni Mironiené. Graduated 1933 from Kaunas University, then studied Indology at Sorbonne. From 1935 schoolteacher in Kaunas and Vilkaviškis. From 1944 Assistant…

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MINORSKY, Vladimir

MINORSKY, Vladimir (Vladimir Fëdorovič Minorskij). Korčeva, obl. Tver 6.12.1877 — Cambridge 25.3.1966. Russian Persian Scholar in the U.K. Professor in London. Son of Fëdor Minorskij. Educated in Moscow and in 1896-1900 studied law at Moscow, then at Lazarev Institute of Oriental Languages. First visit to Persia in 1902. In Russian…

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MINDEROVIĆ, Čedomir. Belgrad 31.10.1912 — New Delhi 16.1.1966. Yugoslavian (Serbian) Author interested in India. Lost early his parents. After difficult childhood he started literary work and political activity in the age of 17 and was often persecuted for them, but he was a convinced Marxist. In 1941 he was among…

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MINARD, Armand

MINARD, Armand. Paris 30.12.1906 — Paris 17.4.1998. French Indologist. Professor in Lyon and Paris. Son of a modest trader, educated at Lycée Chaptal. In 1927-32 studies at École Normale Supérieure and É.P.H.É. (Meillet, Lévi, Bloch, Renou). Licence ès Lettres 1928, agrégation de grammaire 1930. Ph.D. 1937 Paris. From 1933 chargé…

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