DRUMMOND, Robert. Kelpie, Fife 27.3.1775 — at sea ?.3.1809. Sir, fifth “Laird of Keltie”. British (Scottish) Surgeon in E.I.C.’s Medical Service. Son of John Dr. (1733–1801) and Euphemia Aytoun. Studies at Edinburgh. M.D. Came to India in 1796, where also his father had served as surgeon, served in Bombay Presidency.…

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DODERET, William

DODERET, William. Madras 30.9.1862 — 19??. British Civil Servant in India. Son of Frederick D. Educated in London and at Balliol College, Oxford. M.A. Joined I.C.S. 1880, arrived 1882, served in Gujarat and Maharashtra, retired 1909. In 1910-19 University Teacher of Marathi at Cambridge. Married Margaret Robertson McDonald, two daughters.…

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CLARKSON, William. Salisbury 1817 — 1897. Rev. British Missionary of London Missionary Society in Gujarat in 1839-48. Returned to England and became minister at Folkestone. Apparently there was another W.Cl., a missionary of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland, also in Gujarat, but in the second half of the 19th century.…

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SCOTT, Hugh Robert

SCOTT, Hugh Robert. 1859 — 1929. Rev. Irish Presbyterian Missionary in India interested in Numismatics. M.A. Dr. Worked as missionary in Rajkot (1883-97) and Surat, Gujarat, until 1928. In 1926 corresponded with Gandhi, had then been 42 years in India. Married with Jeanie Hill Moore (d. 1946). Publications: Gujarati Poetry:…

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MILTNER, Vladimír

MILTNER, Vladimír. Plzeň 6.7.1933 — Mathura 13.1.1997. Czech Indologist (Sanskrit and Hindi Scholar). After gymnasium in Karlovy Vary studies at Prague. Ph.D. From 1967 worked as research scholar of the Czech Academy, first three years in Paris, with a long break for political reasons from the early 1970s to the…

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STRONG, S. Arthur

STRONG, Sandford Arthur. London 10.4.1863 — London 18.1.1904. British Semitic and Pāli Scholar. Son of Thomas Banks Strong, of the War Office, and Anna Lawson. After St.Paul’s school in London worked as clerk at Lloyd’s and attended classes at King’s College in London. From 1881 studies of Sanskrit (under Bendall)…

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STEVENSON, Alice Margaret (née Adams). Sheldon, Warwickshire 26.12. 1875 — Dublin 11.5.1957. British Missionary and Indologist. Daughter of H. O. Adams and his wife Emily. Educated at The Ladies’ College in Jersey, studies at Somerville College, Oxford, and at Trinity College, Dublin. In 1899 Honour, School of Jurisprudence, Oxford. In 1900…

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SCHUBRING, Julius Hermann Wolfgang Walther (Walter). Lübeck 10.12.1881 — Hamburg 13.4.1969. German Indologist. Professor in Hamburg. Son of Julius Schubring, a classical scholar and the director of Realgymnasium Katharineum in Lübeck, and Anna Nagel, learnt classical languages at home and Sanskrit as a schoolboy. Matriculated in 1900 from Katharineum and…

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SEDDON, Charles Norman

SEDDON, Charles Norman. Rock Ferry, Cheshire 18.12.1870 — Oxford 27.3.1950. British Civil Servant and Oriental (Marathi and Persian) Scholar. Son of Charles John S. and Emily Washburn. Educated in Liverpool, in 1889-91 studies at Oxford (Balliol College). Around 1891 to India, served in I.C.S., mainly in Gujarat. In retirement University…

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WATSON, John Whaley. India 25.12.1837 — Rajkot, Gujarat 24.3.1889. British Colonial Officer in India, interested in Archaeology and History. Son of Colonel John Willis Watson of Bombay Artillery and Emma Armitage. Served in Bombay Staff Corps. In the end of the 1870s President of Rājasthānik Court in Kathiawar, in 1881-89 political…

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