HAUSCHILD, Richard Wilhelm. Roschütz, Kr. Gera 2.12.1901 — Jena 15.2.1972. German (East) Indologist. Professor in Jena. Son of a farmer, matriculated from the Gymnasium of Gera, where Rudolf Rau (the father of Wilhelm Rau) inspired him with Indology. Studies of classical, German and Oriental philology at Tübingen, Leipzig (Hertel) and…

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HAUGHTON, Graves Champney

HAUGHTON, Graves Champney. Dublin 1788 — St.Cloud near Paris 28.8. 1849. Sir. British Colonial Officer and Indologist. Son of the physician John H. (originating from a Lancashire family), educated in England. Obtained a cadetship in Bengal army and left for India in 1808. Soon learned Hindi. In 1812 he got…

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HASTINGS, Warren. Churchill, Oxfordshire 6.12.1732 — Daylesford, Gloucestershire 22.8.1818. British Civil Servant in India. Son of Penystone H. (1704–1743) and his wife Hester (1715–1732), lost his mother at birth. Educated at Newington Butt and Westminster. In 1750 went to Calcutta in E.I.C.’s civil service. From 1753 in Kazimabad, in 1756…

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HART, Eric George

HART, Eric George. Mangalore 6.2.1878 — 8.10.1946. British Colonial Officer in India, then Professor in Dublin. Son of Henry H., M.B.E. Educated at Victoria College in Jersey and at Wellington College. Joined the army and in 1900-01 served in China, 1901-02 in Makran, 1904 in Aden, in 1906 joined Indian…

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HARRISON, Hugh. 18?? — 19??. British Colonial Officer in India. Lieutenant-colonel. Back in England he was in 1924-28 Lecturer in Hindi and Marathi at Caius College in Cambridge. Publications: ??. Sources: Not found in any combination in Google.

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HANSEN, Olaf. St.Petersburg 11.4.1902 — Kiel 10.1.1969. German Indo-Iranian, especially Middle Iranian Scholar. Professor in Berlin (West). Son of Gottlieb Olaf Albert Hansen, librarian of Imperial Academy, and Marie Rödder. In 1917 the family escaped to Baltic states and 1919 to Hamburg. Studied at Hamburg. Ph.D. there 1927 under Reichelt.…

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HALL, Fitzedward

HALL, Fitzedward. Troy, N.Y. 21.3.1825 — Marlesford, Suffolk 1.2.1901 (or 11.2.?). U.S. Indologist, in India 1846-62 and then in the U.K. Born in an old New England family, son of Daniel Hall, a lawyer, and Anginetta Fitch. Educated in Troy, Walpole and Poughkeepsie, graduated 1842 from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute as…

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HAIG, T. Wolseley

HAIG, Thomas Wolseley. Plumstead, Woolwich, Kent 7.8.1865 — Kensington, London 23.4./28.4./4.5.1938. Sir. British Colonial Officer and Historian of India. Lieutenant-Colonel. Son of Major Robert Wolseley Haig (of old Scottish family, 1830–1872) and Maria Brown. Educated at Wellington College and Sandhurst. In 1884 joined Senforth Highlanders, 1887 Indian Army. Served also…

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HAGREN, Klas. Uddevalla 12.2.1953 — Uppsala 26.8.2000. Swedish Indologist. Matric­ul­ated from Uddevalla 1973. Studies of Indology at Stockholm and Uppsala. In 1988-2000 adjunkt teaching Sanskrit, Pāli, Hindī and Tamil at Uppsala. At the time of his “sudden and tragic death” his Ph.D. was still not completed. Publications: Contributed to the…

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HADLEY, George

HADLEY, George. 174? — London 10.9.1798. British Colonial Officer in India, Author of the first Hindūstānī Grammar in English. He joined the E.I.C.’s Bengal Army as a cadet in 1763, Lieutenant 1764, Captain 1766, retired 1771. In order to understand the sepoys, he compiled a Hindūstānī grammar and an English–…

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