MILLER, Vsevolod Fëdorovič

MILLER, Vsevolod Fëdorovič. Moscow 7.(19.)4.1848 — St.Petersburg 5.(18.)11.1913. Russian Indo-Iranian Scholar. Son of poet Fëdor Bogdanovič Miller (1818–1881), grew up in Moscow. From 1866 studies at Hist.-Philological Faculty of Moscow University, soon moved to Physical-Mathematical Faculty, but still followed Petrov’s teaching. After graduation in spring 1870 conducted fieldwork with Fortunatov…

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MILLER, Boris Vsevolodovič

MILLER, Boris Vsevolodovič. Moscow 31.10.(12.11.)1877 — Moscow 6.8.1956. Russian Scholar of Iranian History. Son of —> Vsevolod F. Miller and Evgenija Viktorovna Nasonova. After gymnasium in Moscow studied from 1895 and graduated 1899 from Juridical Faculty, Moscow, and 1903 from Lazarevskij Institut. In 1903-17 in diplomatic service in Iran, Turkey…

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MILLER, Barbara Stoler

MILLER, Barbara Stoler. New York 8.8.1940 — New York 19.4.1993. U.S. Indologist. Professor in New York. Daughter of Sara Stoler. Educated at Great Neck High School (where Wendy Doniger was her classmate). Studies at Barnard College, Columbia University (B.A. 1962, M.A. 1964). Ph.D. 1968 at University of Pennsylvania under W.…

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MILL, William Hodge

MILL, William Hodge. Hackney, Middlesex 18.7.1792 — Brasted, Kent 25.12.1853. Rev. British Teacher and Indologist in India. Son of John Mill, of Dundee, and Martha Hodge. Privately educated by Dr. Belsham, a Unitarian preacher, studies at Trinity College, Cambridge: B.A. 1813, Fellow 1814, M.A. 1816. In 1818 ordained priest, still…

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MILEWSKI, Tadeusz. Kołomyja (Kolomija, Ukraine) 17.5.1906 — Cracow 5.3.1966. Polish IE, Slavic, Amerindian and General Linguist. Professor in Cracow. Son of Feliks M., a physician, and Justyna Wojakowska. In 1925-29 studies of Slavic at Lwów (L’viv), Ph.D. 1929 there (diss. on Polabian). In 1929-31 further studies of IE and Sanskrit…

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MILES, William

MILES, William. 1780 — London 21.5.1860. British Colonial Officer in India. Major-General. In 1800 joined the Bombay Native Infantry, served in Baroda. “Made a treaty in 1820 with the Raja of Rodanpur, commanded a regiment in the first Burmese war, took Mergui. Made a treaty with the Suigam chiefs, in…

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MIKLOSICH, Franz Xaver, Ritter von

MIKLOSICH, Franz Xaver, Ritter von (Franc Miklošić). Pichelberg(Untersteiermark, now Radomerščak in Slovenia) 20.11.1813 — Vienna 7.3.1891. Austrian (Slovenian) Linguist, Slavic and Gipsy Scholar. Son of a viticulturist, Georg M., went to school with the help of his uncle Thomas M., a minister. After gymnasium in Warasdin and Marburg/Drau (Maribor) in…

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MIHANOVIĆ Petropoljski, Antun. Klanjec 10.6.1796 — Novi Dvori 14.11.1861. Austrian (Croatian) Nationalist Author. Born in a noble family, son of Matije M. and Justina Kušević. Studied law at Vienna until 1817 and worked then as military judge. Entered soon the foreign department and served in Austrian consulates in Belgrad, Thessaloniki,…

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MIHALCESCU, Ioan (Metropolit Irineu). Valea Viei, Pătârlagele 24.7.1874 — Agapia Monastery 5.4.1948. Romanian Orthodox Theologian and Translator of Sanskrit Literature. Son of Ioan M., a priest, and his wife Elena. After gymnasium in Buzău attended the seminars of Buzău and Bucharest in 1889-95, then studied Theology at Bucharest University. Further…

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MICHELSON, Truman H. New Rochelle, NY 11.8.1879 — Washington, DC 26.7.1938. U.S. Ethnologist and Linguist, interested in MIA. Professor in Washington, DC. Son of physicist Albert Michelson (1852–1937, Nobel Prize 1907) and Margaret McLean Hemingway. Educated at Harvard: A.B. 1902, A.M. 1903, Ph.D. 1904. In 1904-05 further studies at Leipzig…

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