HERBERICH, Gustav. 18?? — 1???. German Student of Indology. A student of Jolly at Würzburg, Ph.D. there 1893. He was then Realschulassistent in Neuburg, later perhaps in Munich. The Washington Post 12.2. 1911, p. 59 tells that “Frau Paula Herberich is being tried in Nuernberg for killing her husband, Dr.…

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HENNING, Walter Bruno

HENNING, Walter Bruno. Raging, Ostpreussen (now Neman in Russia) 26.8.1908 — Berkeley, Calif. 8.1.1967. German Iranian Scholar in the U.K. and U.S.A. Professor in London and Berkeley. Son of the local land registry director. Grew up in Köslin, Pomerania (now Koszalin in Poland), as child often ill. Originally studied mathematics…

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HELLER, Ludwig

HELLER, Ludwig. Travemünde 18.8.1866 — Greifswald 21.8.1945. German Indologist. Professor in Greifswald. Son of Ludwig H. (1805–1878), a minister, historian Johannes H. (1851–1880) was his brother. Educated at Lübeck Gymnasium in 1878-86, then military service in Erlangen in 1886-87. In 1887-93 studies of Indology (Kielhorn) and classical philology at Göttingen,…

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HEIMANN, Betty. Wandsbeck bei Hamburg 29.3.1888 — Sirmione at the Lake Garda 19.5.1961. German Indologist in Sri Lanka. British citizen 1939. Daughter of banker Isaac H. and Margarethe Levy, father died when she was 10. After school in Hamburg studied classical philology and Indology at Kiel (Deussen, Sieg), briefly also…

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HEILER, Friedrich

HEILER, Johann Friedrich. Munich 30.1.1892 — Munich 28.4.1967 (N.D.B., Wikipedia has 18.4.). German Scholar of Comparative Religion. Professor in Marburg. Born in a Catholic family, son of Johann H., a teacher, and Anna Schilling. From 1911 studies of history of religion, theology, philosophy and Oriental languages at Munich, including Akkadian and…

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HEGEL, Friedrich

HEGEL, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich. Stuttgart 27.8.1770 — Berlin 14.11.1831. Famous German Philosopher. Professor in Berlin. Son of Georg Ludwig Hegel, a Pietist official (Rentkammersekretär), and Maria Fromm (d. 1783). After studies of philosophy and theology at Tübingen in 1788-93 he was PD at Jena in 1800-06, school director in Nürnberg…

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HEEREN, Arnold Hermann Ludwig

HEEREN, Arnold Hermann Ludwig. Arbergen near Bremen 25.10.1760 — Göttingen 6.3.1842. German Historian and Classical Scholar. Professor in Göttingen. Son of Heinrich Ehrhard Heeren, a clergyman, and Margarethe Wolters (d. 1770), educated under a tutor until 16, when family moved to Bremen and Heeren went to Gymnasium there. In 1779…

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HAVERS, Wilhelm

HAVERS, Wilhelm Maria Hubert. Aachen 5.1.1879 — Vienna 2.3.1961. German IE Linguist in Austria. Son of school-teacher Johann Josef H. and Maria Agnes Spiertz (d. 1879). After school in Aachen, studies of classical, Germanic and comparative philology at Tübingen, Leipzig and Berlin. Ph.D. 1905. PD 1909 Strassburg, 1913 Leipzig. From…

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JUSTI, Ferdinand

JUSTI, Ferdinand Wilhelm Jakob. Marburg 2.6.1837 — Marburg 17.2.1907. German Iranian and IE Scholar. Professor in Marburg. Son of a minister, Wilhelm J., and Friederike Ruppersberg, grandson of Karl Wilhelm J. (1767-1846), Professor of Philosophy and Theology at Marburg. In 1856-59 studies at Marburg (under Gildemeister), then 1859-60 at Göttingen…

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JUNKER, Heinrich

JUNKER, Heinrich Franz Joseph. Offenbach am Main 26.3.1889 — Berlin 3.4.1970. German (East) Linguist and Iranian Scholar. Professor in Leipzig and Berlin. Studies at Giessen, Strassburg and Heidelberg. Ph.D. 1911 Heidelberg (under Bartholomae). From 1912 PD at Giessen. In summer 1913 he went together with Gauthiot to Yaghnob Valley. In…

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