HARMATTA, János. Hódmezővásárhely, komitat Csongrád 2.10.1917 — Buda­pest 24.7.2004. Hungarian Indo-Iranian Scholar. From 1935 studies of classical, IE and Iranian philology and Indology at Budapest, Ph.D. 1940 in Greek. From 1947 Docent of Greek at Budapest, from 1952 Professor of IE Linguistics (with Indo-Iranian studies) ibid. In 1988 emeritus, but…

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TIHANY, Leslie C.

TIHANY, Leslie Charles. Hungary 28.12.1911 — 1997. Hungarian Linguist and Historian in the U.S.A. Son of Béla Tihany and Katalin Báródy. Came to the U.S.A. in 1930, naturalized 1940. Studied at Franklin and Marshall College (B.Sc. 1931), Northwestern University (M.A. 1933, Ph.D. 1936), then at Harvard (M.A. 1938) and University…

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SEBEOK, Thomas A.

SEBEOK, Thomas Albert (Hungarian Tamás Sebők). Budapest 9.11.1920 — Bloomington 21.12.2001. U.S. (born Hungarian) Linguist and Semiotician. Son of Dezső Sebők and Vera Perlmann. After school in Budapest moved to the U.S.A. when 17, naturalized 1944. B.A. 1941 University of Chicago. M.A. 1943 Princeton, in anthropological linguistics (under R. Jakobson).…

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KÓS, Péter

KÓS, Péter (born Leó Raab, from 1939 Lev Konduktorov). Moscow 15.8.1921 — 1994. Hungarian Chemist, Diplomat and Communist Activist. Graduated as chemical engineer. From 1949 in Hungarian Foreign Ministry, 1954-56 Ambassador in New Delhi, then in Washington. In October 1956 dismissed as Soviet citizen and agent, but reinstated in November.…

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GOTTLIEB, Eugene (Jenő G.). Szepesség (then in Hungary, now Spiš in Slovakia) 28.7.1894 — New York City 28.12.1962. U.S. (born Hungarian Jew) Linguist. Son of Markus Moses G. and Rose Rezl Guttman. Ph.D. at New York University. Instructor at Ohio State University (1931), then Assistant Professor of Germanic and Slavonic…

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ZAJADACZ-HASTENRATH, Salome  (née Hastenrath). Budapest 1932 — 4.6.1998. Hungarian (German) Art Historian. Daughter of German parents living in Hungary, grew up as bilingual, lost her father in 1944. The family returned to Rhineland and after matriculation there she studied in 1951-53 at Pedagogical Academy in Aachen, then teacherin Köln. From…

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PETZ, Gedeon

PETZ, Gideon. Harka, Sopron dt. 24.11.1863 — Budapest 21.12.1943. Hungarian Linguist. Studies at Budapest, Freiburg i. Br., Leipzig and Berlin, 1881-87. Ph.D. Teacher at Lutheran gymnasium in Budapest. At Budapest University: PD 1887, ao. Professor 1896, ord. 1904, of German Philology. Member of Hungarian Academy: correspondent 1895, ord. 1920, honorary 1934.…

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LUDOWYK-GYOMROI, Edith (born E. Győmröi). Budapest 8.9.1896 — London 11.2.1987. Hungarian Psychoterapist, Communist and Pāli Scholar in Sri Lanka. Born in a Jewish family, daughter of Mark Gelb (from 1899 Győmröi), a furniture manufacturer, and Ilona Pfeifer. In 1914 married Erwin Renyi, a chemical engineer, had one son and divorced in…

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HETÉNYI-HEIDLBERG, Ernő (Ernest H., Láma Dharmakírti Padmavadzsra). Budapest 13.2.1912 — Budapest 17.9.1999. Hungarian Bauddha and Tibetologist. Son of the operetta composer Albert Hetényi-Heidelberg (1875–1951) and Erzsébet Brunner. He became interested in Buddhism, especially Lama Anagarika Govinda, and in 1951 founded the Buddhist society of Hungary and in 1956 the Alexander…

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WEÖRES, Sándor

WEÖRES, Sándor. Szombathely 22.6.1913 — 22.1.1989. Hungarian Poet and Translator. Son of the elder S. Weöres and Mária Blaskovich. Published his first poems as a teenager. Studies of law, soon of geography and history at Pécs University, Ph.D. in aesthetics. In 1937 visited Philippines, Vietnam and India. During WW II…

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