PORZEZIŃSKI, Wiktor Jan (Russian Viktor Karlovič Poržezinskij). Moršansk (or Temnikovo), Russia 23.7.(4.8.)1870 — Warsaw 12.4.1929. Polish Baltic and IE Linguist. Born in a Roman Catholic noble family, son of Karel P., educated in Moscow. From 1892 studies at Moscow under Fortunatov. Dr. 1903. From 1895 or 1901 taught as PD…

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POBOŻNIAK, Tadeusz. Cracow 1910 — 26.1.1991 (when 80). Polish Indologist and Gipsy Scholar. Professor in Cracow. Born in a poor family, his father served in City Council guard.Educated in Cracow. Studied at Cracow IE (under Rozwadowski) and Germanic, then also Sanskrit under Willman-Grabowska. M.A. 1938 with a diss. on conjunctive…

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OTRĘBSKI, Jan Szczepan. Silica, Silesia 8.12.1889 — Poznań 25.4.1971. Polish IE and Balto-Slavic Scholar. Professor in Wilno (Vilnius) and Poznań. Educated in Kielce, studies at Warsaw and Leipzig (Windisch). During WW I interned, working in a German brick factory. After war continued studies at Cracow. Ph.D. there 1920 (under Rozwadowski).…

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OSSOWSKI, Juliusz J.

OSSOWSKI, Juliusz Jan. Danzig (Gdansk) 4.11.1855 — Königsberg 4.2.1882. Polish Student of Indo-Iranian Linguistics. Son of Henryk O. (d. 1868), a smith, and Marianna Skibińska. After gymnasium in Chełmnie began 1875 studies at Breslau: Classics, German and Sanskrit (Stenzler). In 1877 interrupted because of health problems. After a while as…

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MILEWSKI, Tadeusz. Kołomyja (Kolomija, Ukraine) 17.5.1906 — Cracow 5.3.1966. Polish IE, Slavic, Amerindian and General Linguist. Professor in Cracow. Son of Feliks M., a physician, and Justyna Wojakowska. In 1925-29 studies of Slavic at Lwów (L’viv), Ph.D. 1929 there (diss. on Polabian). In 1929-31 further studies of IE and Sanskrit…

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MAŃKOWSKI, Leon (von / M. h. Zaremba). Podolia 6.11.1858 — Cracow 18.4.1909. Polish (Austrian) Indologist. Professor in Cracow. Son of Walery M. and Tekla Natalia Łaźnińska. Gymnasium in Berlin and Dresden. After law studies at Leipzig started Slavonic and Indology at Breslau (Stenzler, Hillebrandt), then from 1891 under Bühler at Vienna,…

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MALINOWSKI, Franciszek

MALINOWSKI, Franciszek Ksawery. Gołubie, Pomerania 27.12.1807 (or 1808) — Komorniki, Wielkopolskie 30.1.1881. Polish Priest and Linguist interested in Sanskrit. Son of the elder Fr. M. (1781–1829) and Dorota Weronika Bohm (d. 1809). After school in Skępo, Żuromin and Płock, studies at Warsaw and from 1829 at seminary in Pelplin. In…

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MAJEWSKI, Valenty Skorochód

MAJEWSKI, Walenty Skorochód. Guzy, Podlachia (Podlasie) 1764 — Warsaw 3.7.1835. Polish Dilettante interested in Sanskrit. Born in a petty noble family. Graduated 1785 from Collegium Nobilium in Warsaw and worked then as teacher in the same. From 1803 worked as archivist, from 1808 in charge of the newly established National…

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MACHALSKI, Frantiszek

MACHALSKI, Franciszek. Braddock near Pittsburgh 5.7.1904 — Cracow 24.1.1979. Polish Iranian Scholar. Professor in Cracow. Born in a poor emigrant family in the U.S.A., they returned to Poland, when he was six. Grew up in Żołynia, near Łańcut in south-eastern Poland. From 1924 studied Polish and German, soon Sanskrti (Stasiak),…

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LĄCZAK, Józef (until the 1970s Lonczak). Książnica (near Mielec) 5.12.1926 — 21.8.1989. Polish Linguist, began as an Indologist, but moved into the Finno-Ugrian studies. After school (in wartime in secret courses) at Mielec, from 1947 studies of Indology (Willman-Grabowska) and Polish Philology at Cracow, graduated M.A. in 1952 (diss. “Indian Studies…

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