BRIESS, Erwin Eduard. Olmütz (Olomouc), Moravia 9.5.1886 — 1946. Austrian Student of Indology. Studies of Oriental Philology at Vienna, Ph.D. 1912. Moved soon to Switzerland and lived in Zürich as author and journalist. Apparently became Swiss citizen as he is later called Swiss. Publications: Diss. Das Rta und die Âdityas.…

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BRANDES, Carl Edvard Cohen. Copenhagen 21.10.1847 — Copenhagen 20.12.1931. Danish Journalist and Politician, started as an Indologist. Son of a Herman B. (1816-1904), a wholesale dealer, and Emilie Bendix (1818-98), brother of author and critic Georg B. (1842-1927). School at Copenhagen, matriculated 1865. Studied at Copenhagen University many languages (Sanskrit,…

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BONN, Gisela

BONN, Gisela (nom-de-plume of Gisela Döhrn). Elberfeld near Wuppertal 22.9.1909 — Stuttgart 11.10.1996. German Journalist. Daughter of a teacher. From 1929 studied Musicology, Theatre, art history, Germanistics and French at Köln, Rostock and Vienna. Ph.D. 1936 Vienna (diss. on Brahms). In 1936 married the journalist Hermann Pörzgen, 1937 moved to…

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BEVERIDGE, Henry. Scotland 1799 — 1863. The Elder. British (Scottish) Lawyer and Historian of Colonial India. Father of —> Henry B. the younger. Originally intended ministry, but turned to law. Worked as advocate and author, from 1856 the editor of The Banner of Ulster in Belfast. He never visited India.…

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BERGSTEDT, Carl Fredrik

BERGSTEDT, Carl Fredrik. Lillkyrka, Örebro län 24.7.1817 — Skrukarp, Kristberg socken, Östergötland 26.1.1890. Swedish Literate interested in Sanskrit. Son of a farmer, Carl Magnus B. and Fredrika Granlund. Went to school in Örebro, then in Strängnäs, studied at Uppsala from 1836. Diss. on classical philology 1836, kand.fil. 1841, mag.fil. 1842…

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ARNOLD, Edwin. Gravesend, Kent 10.6.1832 — London 24.3.1904. Sir. British Poet and Journalist interested in Sanskrit and India. Son of Robert Coles A., a magistrate, and Sarah Ann Pissey. Educated at King’s School in Rochester and King’s College in London. From 1851 at Oxford (University College): B.A. 1854 and M.A.…

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