HARRISON, H. J. 1??? — 1???. Rev. Educated at Bishop’s College in Calcutta. In 1841 missionary in Barrioore near Calcutta, also studies at Bishop’s College. Around 1847 assisted as Catechist Rev. Driberg in founding the new Nurbudda Mission for the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel. One contemporary report…

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HALLAM, Ebenezer Charles Bethlehem

HALLAM, Ebenezer Charles Bethlehem. Worcester 1.1.1833 — Lakemont, Yates County, NY 9.1.1915. British (Canadian) Missionary in India. Son of Samuel H. and Ana Chamberlin. Educated at King Edward’s Grammar School, Birmingham, and Kormal’ School, Toronto. Ordained Baptist Priest 1855. From 1857 worked in Orissa, in 1863-67 in America, then again…

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GRAHAM, John Anderson

GRAHAM, John Anderson. De Beauvoir near London 8.9.1861 — Kalimpong 1942. Very Rev. British (Scottish) Missionary in Sikkim. Son of David Graham (from Dunbartonshire, d. 1867), a customs officer, and Bridget Nolan (from Ireland), the family moved soon to Scotland. The loss of father forced him to work at the…

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GRAETER, Albert. Boston 26.9.1835 — Basel 1909. Rev. U.S. Missionary in India. Son of John Henry Francis Gr. (born in Württemberg) and Elizabeth Mason Goodwin. Went to India as a member of Basel Mission of Mangalore. In 1865-70 schoolteacher in Coorg. Retired, he worked 1870-1908 as teacher of English in…

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GRAEFE, Walter

GRAEFE, Walter. Leipzig-Lindenau 30.7.1900 — Bangalore 16.11.1955. German Lutheran Missionary in India. Son of a merchant, school and studies in Leipzig, then 1921-25 Missionsseminar and 1925-26 studies of Sanskrit and Comparative Religion at Leipzig. Ph.D. 1928, now also ordained and left to India. Learned Tamil in Kodaikanal. In 1933-50 worked…

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GONÇALVEZ, Diogo. Vila Real 1561 — Quilon (Kollam) 1640. S.J. Portuguese Jesuit Missionary in India. Joined the S.I. in 1583. Arrived at Goa in 1591, worked in Quilon. Criticized Roberto De Nobili’s new methods of mission and wrote about Hinduism in 1615. Knew Sanskrit and Malayālam. Publications: Historia do Malavar,…

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GOLDSACK, William. Glen Osmond, South Australia 29.11.1871 — 26.6.1957. Rev. Australian Baptist Missionary in India. Son of Mark G. and Mary Dalgleish Ferguson. Worked in eastern Bengal (now Bangladesh) from 1899, stationed at Pabna. Retired in 1923 because of malaria and returned to Australia with his family. Now concentrated on fruit…

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FRANÇOIS-MARIE DE TOURS (Francesco Maria Da Tours, Franciscus M. Turonensis). 16?? — Patna ?.5.1709. Father. French Capuchin Missionary in India and Tibet. Came from Tours and joined the order in Italy. Worked first as Capuchin Missionary in Diarbekir, Turkey, came to India in 1680. Worked in Pondicherry and Surat, in 1701 left…

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GARTHWAITE, James Grant Liston. 1833 — Glenelg, South Australia 21.12.1918. British Missionary and Teacher in India. Trained as teacher at Westminster College,London (B.A.). Worked for Basel Mission in Kerala, arrived at Bangalore 1853. From 1857 director of various schools in India. From 1868 Inspector of schools in Malabar and Canara.…

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FUCHS, Stephen

FUCHS, Stephen. Bruck an der Mur 30.4.1908 — St.Gabriel, Mödling 17.1.2000. S.V.D. Austrian Missionary and Anthropologist in India. Grew up in Graz, in 1922-27 student at S.V.D.’s mission high school in St. Rupert’s in Bischofshofen. Joined the Society of Divine Word in 1927 and studied theology at St.Augustine near Bonn…

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