MARX, Karl

MARX, Karl Rudolf. Niesky, Eastern Saxony 1857 — Leh 29.5.1891. German Missionary Physician, Tibetologist and Historian in Ladakh., specialising on ophthalmology. Missionary of the Moravian Mission in Ladakh (Leh) from 1887. An early scholar of the history and archaeology of Ladakh and the teacher of A. H. Francke. Married.…

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MARTIN, Montgomery

MARTIN, Robert Montgomery. Dublin 1801? (or 1803) — Sutton, Surrey 6.9.1868. British (Anglo-Irish) Physician, Botanist, Statistician and Historian in India and Asia. Born in a Protestant family in Ireland, son of John Martin and Mary Hawkins. Studied medicine. He came to Ceylon about 1820 and travelled around Indian Ocean as…

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MANNING, Thomas. Broome, Norfolk 8.11.1772 — Bath 2.5.1840  [Wikipedia near Dartfors 1840]. British Physician and Traveller in Asia, visited Lhasa. Buckland (with additions):“Son of the Rev. William M. [and Elizabeth Adams], educated at Caius College, Cambridge. Scholar, 1790-95, private tutor, studied mathematics, friend of Porson and Charles Lamb. Studied Chinese…

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MANENGO, Andrea. 18?? — 1???. Italian Physician interested in Āyurveda. Studies around 1850. Dr. Med. Worked in Brescia (1852), then in Guastalla. Publications: Susruta Ayurveda, ossia i codici dell’ antica sapienza medica indiana e sua priorita sulla greca. 24 p. Velletri 1892; medical writings. Sources: Title only in Gli studi…

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MACPHAIL, James Merry. Shaflesbury, Dorset 1863 — Tisri, Bihar 15.6.1929. British (Scottish) Missionary Physician. Son of Dugald Macphail and Janet Merry. Studies at Glasgow. M.A. 1885, M.D. 1895. A physician of the Santal Mission of the Free Church of Scotland.He was a specialist of eye surgeryand in 1890 founded Bamdah…

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LIÉTARD, Gustave

LIÉTARD, Gustave Alexandre. Domrémy-la-Pucelle (Vosges, Lorraine) 4.4. 1833 — Plombières-les-Bains (Vosges) 8.2.1904. French Physician and Indologist. Son of a viticulturist, he was educated at College of Toul and studied at Faculté de médecine in Strasbourg. 1858 Strasbourg. At Faculté de lettres he also learned the elements of Sanskrit under…

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LEYDEN, John Casper. Denholm, Cavers, Roxburghshire 8.9.1775 — Batavia (Jakarta) 28.8.1811 (or 10.9.?). British (Scottish) Physician and Orientalist, a Pioneer of South-East Asian Studies. Son of John Leyden, a shepherd, and Isabella Scott. He was educated at Kirktown parish school and Edinburgh University, learned Oriental languages already at home in Edinburgh…

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KROPATSCH, Anton. Vienna 27.11.1897 — 22.3.1971. Austrian Bauddha and Physician. Studies in Vienna, graduated 1923. Said to have been a well-known Dermatologist and Chief Physician of Leprosy Hospital in Vienna. Collaborated with Nazis and therefore lost his hospital position after the war and held private praxis until death. Apparently interested…

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KOPERNICKI, Izydor. Czyżówka, Lesser Poland, Austro-Hungarian Empire (now Čiživka in Ukraine) 17.4.1825 — Cracow 24.9.1891. Polish Physician, Ethnologist and Romani scholar. Professor in Cracow. Son of Stanisław K.  Studied medicine at Kiev (Ky’iv) and worked then as physician. From 1871 living in Cracow, from 1878 Docent and 1886 Professor of…

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HUTCHISON, John. Johnstone, Renfrewshire 1848 — Chamba 24.7.1936 (when 88). British (Scottish) Missionary in India. Son of Peter H. and Anne Mcghie. Studied medicine in Edinburgh. Medical missionary of the Church of Scotland in the Punjab. Graduated in 1871 and left for India, where he spent the rest of his…

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