SULPIZI, Giuseppe

SULPIZI, Giuseppe. Città della Pieve, Perugia 17.10.1875 — 19??. Italian Scholar. Professor at Florence (Istituto Superiore di Firenze). Still active in 1911. Sources: Translated: L’idillio di Tapati e Samvarana à un episodio leggiadrissimo del Mahábhárata. 7+10 p. Florence 1898. Sources: Rivista Bibliografica Italiana 4, 1899, 64.

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STEINGASS, Franz Joseph (Francis Joseph)

STEINGASS, Franz Joseph (Francis Joseph). Frankfurt/Main 16.3.1825 — ibid. ?.1.1903. German Oriental (Arabic, Persian and Sanskrit) Scholar in the U.K. Born in a Jewish family, studies at Munich. Ph.D. 1846 Munich. Around 1870 moved to England. Professor of Modern Languages at Wakefield Grammar School in Birmingham for five years, then…

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SCHRIJNEN, Joseph Charles François Hubert. Venlo, Limburg 3.5.1869 — Nijmegen 26.1.1938. Mgr. Dutch IE Scholar. Professor in Nijmegen. Son of Adriaan Schrijnen, a chemist, and Maria Canoij, educated in Roermond. From 1888 studied classical philology and linguistics at Louvain (under de Harlez, Colinet, et al.) and Paris (de Saussure and…

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SCHOTT, Wilhelm

SCHOTT, Wilhelm Christian. Mainz 3.9.1807 — Berlin 21.1.1889. German Fenno-Ugric and Central Asian Scholar, and Sinologist. Son of merchant Johann Wilhelm Schott and Elisabeth Wahl. Started as theology student at Giessen in 1819-21, but then switched to Oriental languages and studied them at Halle, first Arabic (Ph.D. 1823), soon also…

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STURTEVANT, Edgar Howard. Jacksonville, Ill. 7.3.1875 — Branford, CT 1.7.1952. U.S. IE and Hittite Scholar. Professor in New Haven. Son of Alfred Henry St. (1850–1930), a farmer, and Harriet Morse (1850–1923). After Indiana College in Jacksonville (it was founded by his grandfather) studies at Indiana University (A.B 1898) and University…

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STREITBERG, Wilhelm. Rüdesheim 23.2.1864 — Leipzig 19.8.1925. German IE Scholar. Professor in Munich and Leipzig. Son of Gustav Streitberg, later Amtsgerichtsrat, and Wilhelmine Pauli. Gymnasium in Wiesbaden. From 1884 studies of Germanistics and comp. IE linguistics, firstat Münster (under Jacobi), soon at Leipzig (Brugmann, Leskien, Windisch andZarncke). Ph.D. 1888 Leipzig.…

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SCHWANBECK, Erwin Alexis. Falkenberg/Pommern (now Jastrzębniki in Poland)) 13.11.1821 — Köln 8.1.1850. German Classical Scholar and Indologist. Studied classical philology at Greifswald and from 1840 at Bonn, now also Indology. Worked as Mitredacteur of the Kölnische Zeitung. He published the editio princeps of Megasthenes’ fragments and started to work on…

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SCHWYZER, Eduard. Zürich 15.2.1874 — Berlin 3.5.1943. Swiss IE Scholar in Germany. Professor in Zürich, Bonn and Berlin. Son of coppersmith Johann Eduard Schweizer and Sophie Ernst, grandnephew of —> Schweizer-Sidler (who was also his teacher in gymnasium}. Educated in Zürich, matriculated 1892. Studies at Zürich (Kaegi, Hitzig) and in…

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STOROST, Wilhelmas (pseudonym Vydünas, Vîdûnas)

STOROST, Wilhelmas (Vilius Storostas; pseudonym Vydūnas, Vîdûnas). Jonaten, Lith. Jonaičinose (Jonaičiai), Šilute, German East Prussia (now in Lithuania) 22.3.1868 — Detmold 20.2.1953. Lithuanian (in Germany) Author and Theosophist interested in Sanskrit. Born in German East Prussia as member of the Lithuanian minority, son of Anskis Storost and Maria Storostienė (née…

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STERN, Philippe

STERN, Philippe Gérard Isaïe Simon. Paris 11.4.1895 — Paris 4.4.1979. French Art Historian specialized in Indian and South-East Asian (Khmer & Champa) Art. Son of Lazare René Stern and Cécile Marie Charlotte May. Studies in Paris under Finot et al. In 1921-29 attachée, then Conservateur-adjoint and 1954-65 Conservateur-en-chef of Musée Guimet…

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