SCHULZE, Wilhelm

SCHULZE, Wilhelm Emil Heinrich. Burgsteinfurt, Westfalen 15.12.1863 — Neu-Babelsberg (Berlin) 15.1.1935. German IE Scholar, founder of the Berlin School. Professor in Berlin. Son of Rudolf Schulze, a post employee, and Dina Denhardt. Educated at Arnoldinum in Burgsteinfurt, where he also learned Hebrew. From 1881 studies of classical philology, Germanistics, Indology,…

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SCHWENTNER, Ernst. Schwerin, Mecklenburg 28.6.1890 — 197?. German Indo-Iranian, Tocharian and IE Scholar. Gymnasium in Schwerin. Ph.D. 1915 Münster (diss. on Germanistics). Later on he was a private scholar (schoolteacher?) living in Schwerin, and never had an academic position. Publications: Diss. Eine sprachgeschichtliche Untersuchung über den Gebrauch und die Bedeutung…

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SCHWEIZER-SIDLER, Johann Heinrich (originally J. H. Schweizer). Elgg, canton Zürich 12.9. 1815 — Zürich 30.3.1894. Swiss IE Scholar. Professor in Zürich. Son of Anton Schweizer, the minister of Elgg, family from Zürich. He intended himself to become a priest, but at school became fascinated with classical languages. In 1835-38 studied classical…

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SCHUBRING, Julius Hermann Wolfgang Walther (Walter). Lübeck 10.12.1881 — Hamburg 13.4.1969. German Indologist. Professor in Hamburg. Son of Julius Schubring, a classical scholar and the director of Realgymnasium Katharineum in Lübeck, and Anna Nagel, learnt classical languages at home and Sanskrit as a schoolboy. Matriculated in 1900 from Katharineum and…

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SCHUBERT, Johannes

SCHUBERT, Johannes Siegfried. Annaberg/Sächs. Erzgebirge 7.9.1896 — Leipzig 2.8.1976. German (East) Tibetan and Mongolian Scholar. Professor in Leipzig. Son of Guido Emil Schubert, a shop assistant, and Ida Brand. Gymnasium in Plauen, participated in WW I and matriculated only 1920. In 1920-22 studies of theology and philology at Leipzig and,…

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STERNBACH, Ludwik. Cracow 12.12.1910 — Paris 25.3.1981. Polish Indologist. Son of lawyer Edward Sternbach and Clara Amster, a Jewish family. From 1927 studied law at Cracow, dr.iuris 1931. LL.D. 1933. Also studied Indology at Lwów (under Stasiak) and Cracow (Willman-Grabowska, 1933-38 her Assistant). Ph.D. 1938. In 1936-39 also practised law…

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SCHRADER, Otto. Weimar 28.3.1855 — Breslau 21.3.1919. German IE Scholar. Professor in Breslau. Son of Bernhard Schrader, a civil servant, and Amalie Krehan. Educated in Weimar, studies at Jena, Leipzig and Berlin. Ph.D. 1877 Leipzig. PD 1887 Jena. In 1877-1909 schoolteacher (Oberlehrer) at gymnasium in Jena, from 1890 also ao.…

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STEDE, William F.

STEDE, William F. (Wilhelm Friedrich Stede). 9.6.1882 — 5.7.1958. German Indologist in the U.K. University Teacher in London. Studies of Indology and comparative IE at Göttingen, Leipzig and Jena. Ph.D. 1913 Leipzig. Went to England and worked in 1908-11 as Assistant Lecturer of German, Gothic and Sanskrit at Liverpool University.…

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STACKELBERG, Reinhold von

STACKELBERG, Reinhold Otto Georg, Baron von. Abia/Livonia (now Abja in SW Estonia) 25.9.1860 — Moscow 21.12.1907 (5.1.1908). Russian (German of Livonia) Iranian Scholar, specialist of Ossetic and Persian. Son of Reinhold (Roman) Johann Woldemar von St. (1819–1878) and Henrietta Augusta  Charlotta Freiin von St. (1839–1889). He attended gymnasium in Pernau…

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SPRENGER, Aloys. Nassereith, Tyrol 3.9.1813 — Heidelberg 19.12.1893. Austrian Oriental Scholar, in India 1842-56. then Professor in Bern. Son of a customs officer, Christoph Sprenger and Therese Dietrich, gymnasium in Innsbruck. Studied from 1782 medicine and Oriental languages at Vienna, then from 1836 in London. British citizen 1838. Dr.Med. 1840…

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