SCHMIDT, Isaak Jakob

SCHMIDT, Isaak Jakob (Jakov Ivanovič Šmidt). Amsterdam 14.10.1779 — St.Petersburg 27.8.(8.9.)1847. Dutch-born Central Asian Scholar in Russia. Academician in St. Petersburg. It is said that he was born in the Netherlands in a German (Moravian) merchant family, but Le Calloch points out that his father Johannes (Jan) Schmidt was born…

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SCHMID, Toni (Antonia Elisabeth Magdalena). 25.9.1897 — Uppsala 16.12.1972. Austrian Scholar of Religious History and Tibetan Iconography in Sweden. Daughter of a wealthy mill-owner. 1922 Vienna. Moved to Sweden and worked in Swedish national archives. Hon. fil.dr. 1931 Lund. Hon. teol.dr. 1958 Uppsala. In 1944-68 eo. Antikvarie in Vitterhetsakademie.…

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SCHLEGEL, August Wilhelm von

SCHLEGEL, August Wilhelm von. Hannover 5.9.1767 — Bonn 12.5.1845. German Indologist, Classical Scholar and Art Historian. Professor in Bonn. Son of Johann Adolf Schlegel (1721–1793), Lutheran priest and author, of and old cultural family, and Erdmuthe Hübsch (1735–1811), nephew of the poet Johann Elias Schlegel (1719–1749), himself started early the…

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SCHLAGINTWEIT, Emil. Munich 7.7.1835 — Zweibrücken 20.10.1904. German Indologist and Tibetan Scholar. Son of oculist physician Joseph Schl. (1792–1854) and Rosalia Seidl (1805–1839), younger brother of —> Adolf, Hermann, and Robert Schl. A fifth brother was Eduard Schl. (1831–1866), an officer and explorer of Morocco. After the early death of…

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SCHIERN, Frederik

SCHIERN, Frederik Eginhard Amadeus Høst. Copenhagen 22.11.1816 — Frederiksberg near Copenhagen 16.12.1882. Danish Historian and Classical Scholar. Son of Jens Kragh Høst (1772–1844), an author and lawyer, and Susanne Margrethe Oxholm (1786–1845), who after divorce married Niels Schiern (1789–1853, an official). Educated in Copenhagen, then studied history and law there.…

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SCHERZL, Vincenz (Vikentij Ivanovič Šercl’)

SCHERZL, Vincenz (Vikentij Ivanovič Šercl’, Čeněk Šercl). Beroun, Bohemia (Czech) 28.9.1843 — Ljubljana 4.12.1906. Czech Indologist and IE Scholar in Ukraina and Russia. Professor in Har’kov (Har’kiv) and Odessa. Educated in Prague, in 1861-64 studied law at Prague, but used much time for learning languages. In 1866-67 studies of Chinese,…

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SCHERZL, Richard (Ričard Ivanovič Šercl)

SCHERZL, Richard (Ričard Ivanovič Šercl’). Prague 19.9.1850 — after 1914. Czech Scholar in Ukraina. Younger brother of —> V. I. Scherzl. School and 1868-72 studies of classical philology at Prague, in 1872-74 Slavic at St.Petersburg. Worked as teacher moving to Har’kov (Harkiv), where his brother was living. Completed his degree…

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SCHERER, Anton. Munich 31.8.1901 — Heidelberg 7.5.1981. German IE Scholar. Professor in Heidelberg. Son of an artisan, educated at Maxgymnasium in Munich. Studied IE, Greek, German, Egyptology and juridics at Munich, under Herbig, Kieckers, Sommer, et al. Ph.D. 1932 Munich (in Greek). In 1932-48 schoolteacher. PD 1947 Munich. In 1948-51…

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SCHENKL, Karl. Brünn (Brno) 11.12.1826 — Graz 20.9.1900. Austrian Classical Scholar interested in Sanskrit. Son of a schoolteacher and classical philologist. Studies of classics and law in 1845-49 at Vienna, then also under Curtius at Prague. Ph.D. 1849 Vienna. Worked first as schoolteacher in Prague. In 1857-64 Professor of Classical…

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SCHEFTELOWITZ, Isidor Isaac. Sandersleben/Anhalt 1.5.1875 — Oxford 17/18.12. 1934. German (Jewish) Indo-Iranian Scholar. Professor and Rabbi in Köln. Son of Benjamin Sch. (1848–1918, a rabbi and teacher) and Jenny Epstein. After school in Königsberg worked in trade, from 1897 studies at Königsberg and Berlin. Ph.D. 1901 Königsberg (under Bezzenberger). Rabbinical…

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