ROUSSEAU, Samuel Kent. London, bapt. 20.9.1763 — London 4.12.1820. British Printer and Oriental Scholar. He is said to be a distant relative of J. J. Rousseau, of the English Huguenot branch of the family, descending from J. J. Rousseau’s great uncle, who had moved to London, but others deny this. Son of…

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NELSON, James Henry

NELSON, James Henry. London 1838 — 1898. British Civil Servant in India. Studies from 1856 at Cambridge (M.A.), Fellow of King’s College. Barrister-at-law (Middle Temple, 1859). In 1861 left for Madras, served 25 years in South India. From 1876 District Judge of Cuddapah, finally in Madras High Court. Described as…

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MONTRIOU, William Austin

MONTRIOU, William Austin. 1810 — 1885. British Lawyer in India. Son of William M. and Mary Ann Carvick. Called to bar from Inner Temple in 1837. Advocate in Calcutta High Court. Also Professor of Law and Jurisprudence at Presidency College. Married 1839 Ann Julia Fitzpatrick and 1850 Eliza Mitchell, three children…

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CANDY, Edward Townshend

CANDY, Edward Townshend. India 15.4.1845 — ?.4.1913. Sir (1904). British Civil Servant in India. Son of —> Thomas Candy and Caroline Boyce. Educated in Cheltenham. M.A. Entered Bombay C.S. 1865, retired 1903. “Judicial Assistant to the Political Agent, Kattiawar, 1872-82: officiating Judicial Commissioner in Sind, 1886-7: Vice-chancellor of the Bombay…

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CAMPBELL, Archibald (younger)

CAMPBELL, Archibald. Bilberry, Argyll 18.1.1877 – London 24.4.1963. British (Scottish) Civil Servant in India. Son of John C. Educated at Harrow, studies at Cambridge (Pembroke College). M.A. Served in I.C.S. 1900-28, retired as Judge of the High Court of Lahore (1921-28). In retirement soon (1929) became Lecturer in Indian Law at…

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PERRY, Erskine

PERRY, Thomas Erskine. Wimbledon 20.7.1806 — London 22.4.1882. Sir British Judge in India. Son of James Perry (1756–1821), a journalist, and Anne Hull (1773–1815), educated at Charterhouse School. Studies at Trinity College, Cambridge (B.A. 1828). Began career as lawyer, but soon left and studied two years at Munich. Back in…

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NEILL, John William

NEILL, John William. 184? — 19??. British Civil Servant in India. Studies at King’s College, London, and Edinburgh. From 1864 served in Central India (1872 in Chhindwara). In 1887 and 1890-91 acting Commissioner in Nagpur. Retired 1894. In 1896-1917 Professor of Indian Law and Lecturer in Marathi at University College…

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MORLEY, William Hook

MORLEY, William Hook. 1815 — London 21.5.1860. British Oriental Scholar. Son of George M., a lawyer. “Educated for the legal profession, called to the bar in 1840. A notable Oriental scholar, well versed in Arabic and Persian literature. Member of the R.A.S. from 1847, Librarian to the Society from 1859.”…

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LUBOCKAJA, Natalija Julianovna

LUBOCKAJA, Natalija Julianovna. Moscow 24.2.1933 — 4.1.1985. Russian Indologist. Daughter of an official. Graduated 1955 from Moscow National Pedagogical Institute, 1958 passed foreign language courses. Kand. ist. nauk 1972. In 1957-76 naučnyj sotrudnik at Oriental Institute of Soviet Academy in Moscow. Publications: About 10 publications, e.g.: – Kand diss. Drevneindijsk.…

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SUTHERLAND, J. C. Colebrooke

SUTHERLAND, James Charles Colebrooke. Walcot, Somerset 6.11.1792 — Calcutta 1.2.1844. British Lawyer in India. Son of Andrew Sutherland (d. 1795), an officer, and Louisa Colebrooke, sister of —> H. T. Colebrooke, grew up in the house of his uncle James Edward Colebrooke. Member of I.C.S. and a lawyer, from 1807 in…

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