STUMPF, Peter. 26.1.1940 — 26.5.1977. German Tocharian Scholar. School in Berlin and from 1953 in Frankfurt. From 1959 studies of IE and Indology at Frankfurt. Ph.D. 1968 Frankfurt (under W. Thomas). Worked as Assistant at Frankfurt. Negative opinion of Thomas prevented the planned habilitation at Frankfurt. Died young of heart…

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STORCK, Wilhelm

STORCK, Friedrich Wilhelm Paul. Letmathe, Kr. Iserlohn, Westfalen 5.7. 1829 — Münster 16.7.1905. German Linguist (German & Romance) interested in Pāli. Son of a teacher, educated in Arnsberg. From 1850 studies of Germanics at Munich, Münster, Bonn and Berlin. In Berlin also student of Bopp and Weber. Ph.D. 1858 Berlin.…

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STEGMANN VON PRITZWALD, Kurt Friedrich Woldemar. Wenden/Livland (now Cēsis in Latvia) 12.6.1901 — Rottenburg/Neckar 21.12.1962. German (of Livonia) IE Linguist. Professor in Marburg. Son of agronomist Friedrich Percival St. von Pr. (1868–1938) and Alice Charlotte Neander. Educated in Riga (until 1918), Stettin and Meiningen. Participated as German voluntary in post-WW warfare…

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SCHRIJNEN, Joseph Charles François Hubert. Venlo, Limburg 3.5.1869 — Nijmegen 26.1.1938. Mgr. Dutch IE Scholar. Professor in Nijmegen. Son of Adriaan Schrijnen, a chemist, and Maria Canoij, educated in Roermond. From 1888 studied classical philology and linguistics at Louvain (under de Harlez, Colinet, et al.) and Paris (de Saussure and…

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STURTEVANT, Edgar Howard. Jacksonville, Ill. 7.3.1875 — Branford, CT 1.7.1952. U.S. IE and Hittite Scholar. Professor in New Haven. Son of Alfred Henry St. (1850–1930), a farmer, and Harriet Morse (1850–1923). After Indiana College in Jacksonville (it was founded by his grandfather) studies at Indiana University (A.B 1898) and University…

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STREITBERG, Wilhelm. Rüdesheim 23.2.1864 — Leipzig 19.8.1925. German IE Scholar. Professor in Munich and Leipzig. Son of Gustav Streitberg, later Amtsgerichtsrat, and Wilhelmine Pauli. Gymnasium in Wiesbaden. From 1884 studies of Germanistics and comp. IE linguistics, firstat Münster (under Jacobi), soon at Leipzig (Brugmann, Leskien, Windisch andZarncke). Ph.D. 1888 Leipzig.…

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SCHWYZER, Eduard. Zürich 15.2.1874 — Berlin 3.5.1943. Swiss IE Scholar in Germany. Professor in Zürich, Bonn and Berlin. Son of coppersmith Johann Eduard Schweizer and Sophie Ernst, grandnephew of —> Schweizer-Sidler (who was also his teacher in gymnasium}. Educated in Zürich, matriculated 1892. Studies at Zürich (Kaegi, Hitzig) and in…

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SCHWENTNER, Ernst. Schwerin, Mecklenburg 28.6.1890 — 197?. German Indo-Iranian, Tocharian and IE Scholar. Gymnasium in Schwerin. Ph.D. 1915 Münster (diss. on Germanistics). Later on he was a private scholar (schoolteacher?) living in Schwerin, and never had an academic position. Publications: Diss. Eine sprachgeschichtliche Untersuchung über den Gebrauch und die Bedeutung…

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SCHWEIZER-SIDLER, Johann Heinrich (originally J. H. Schweizer). Elgg, canton Zürich 12.9. 1815 — Zürich 30.3.1894. Swiss IE Scholar. Professor in Zürich. Son of Anton Schweizer, the minister of Elgg, family from Zürich. He intended himself to become a priest, but at school became fascinated with classical languages. In 1835-38 studied classical…

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SCHRADER, Otto. Weimar 28.3.1855 — Breslau 21.3.1919. German IE Scholar. Professor in Breslau. Son of Bernhard Schrader, a civil servant, and Amalie Krehan. Educated in Weimar, studies at Jena, Leipzig and Berlin. Ph.D. 1877 Leipzig. PD 1887 Jena. In 1877-1909 schoolteacher (Oberlehrer) at gymnasium in Jena, from 1890 also ao.…

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