SVETOVIDOVA, Irina Anatol’evna

SVETOVIDOVA, Irina Anatol’evna. Leningrad 3.8.1930 — 6.5.1968. Russian Indologist (Bengali scholar). Daughter of an official. Grew up in Leningrad (the family moved there in 1931), during WW II in Udmurtia. Graduated 1955 from Leningrad Oriental Faculty. In 1957-68 naučnyj sotrudnik at Leningrad Oriental Institute, in 1965-68 also taught at Oriental…

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STREHLY, Georges

STREHLY, Georges. Alkirch, Alsace 19.6.1851 — 1906. French Indologist, Translator of Sanskrit Literature. After school in Paris studied from 1870 at École Normale Supérieure, then also Indology, first under Regnaud at Lyon, then under Bergaigne at É.P.H.É. In 1874-79 teacher in Saint-Étienne and Lyon, then in Paris at Collège Rollin…

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SCHÜTZ, Carl Wilhelm. Bückeburg, Schaumburg-Lippe 14.4.1805 — Bielefeld 14.9.1892. German Indologist. Ph.D. Son of local pastor, Johann Gottfried Schütz (1769–1848, a friend of Goethe), gymnasium in Bückeburg and Osnabrück. First studiedtheology at Halle from 1823-27. In 1828 visited Copenhagen, met Rask and became interested in Sanskrit. In 1829-34 teacher in…

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SCHUYLER, Montgomery

SCHUYLER, Montgomery (Jr.). Stamford, Conn. 2.9.1877 — New York 1.11.1955. U.S. Diplomat and Indologist. Son of the elder Montgomery Schuyler (1843–1914), a famous diplomat, author and journalist, and Katherine Beeckman Livingston (1842–1914). After Trinity School studied at Columbia University in New York under A. V. Williams Jackson (A.B. 1899, A.M.…

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SCHROEDER, Leopold von

SCHROEDER, Leopold Alexander von. Dorpat (Tartu) 12.(24.)12.1851 — Vienna 8.2.1920. German (of Estonia) Indologist in Austria. Professor in Vienna. Son of school director Julius von Schroeder (1808–1888) and Leopoldine Marie Schrenck (1817–1895), the 7th child in a large family. Educated in Dorpat (Tartu), as a schoolboy started attending Leo Meyer’s…

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STERNBACH, Ludwik. Cracow 12.12.1910 — Paris 25.3.1981. Polish Indologist. Son of lawyer Edward Sternbach and Clara Amster, a Jewish family. From 1927 studied law at Cracow, dr.iuris 1931. LL.D. 1933. Also studied Indology at Lwów (under Stasiak) and Cracow (Willman-Grabowska, 1933-38 her Assistant). Ph.D. 1938. In 1936-39 also practised law…

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STENZLER, Adolf Friedrich. Wolgast, Pommern 9.7.1807 — Breslau 27.2.1887. German Indologist. Professor in Breslau. Born in the then Swedish Pomerania, son of Archdeacon (1829 Superintendent) Lorenz Stenzler (1775–1835) and Charlotte Droysen, educated in Wolgast and Friedland in Mecklenburg. In 1826-29 studies of Theology at Greifswald (also Oriental languages under Kosegarten)…

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STCHOUPAK, Nadine (née Nadežda Oseevna Steinberg). Vilna (now Vilnius in Lithuania) 10.2.1886 — Paris 30.11.1941. Russian (Lithuanian Jewish) Indologist in France. Daughter of Osiah (Joshua) Steinberg (1830/39–1908), a gymnasium professor, rabbi and Hebraist, and her wife, the daughter of Rimski-Korsakov. Studied History at St.Petersburg University, also Sanskrit under Ol’denburg. With…

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STASIAK, Stefan Bołeslaw. Warsaw 22.2.1884 — London 9.2.1962. Polish Indologist. Professor in Lwów (now L’viv in Ukraina). Son of Adam Stasiak and Waleria Tuchowska. Studies of Philosophy, then of Indology at Vienna (under L. von Schroeder), Munich (Simon), Zürich (Kaegi) and Paris. Ph.D. with a dissertation on the unicorn legend.…

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SUNESON, Carl Ivar. Stockholm 18.10.1941 — Stockholm 2.1.1995. Swedish Indologist. Son of Ivar Suneson (1887–1952) and Vilma Ek (1911–2002). Grew up in Stockholm. From 1960 studies of Indology under Lienhard at Stockholm University, in 1965-66 under V. Raghavan in Madras. Cand.phil. 1964, Lic.phil. 1966 Stockholm. Became blind in the late…

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