SPIES, Otto. Bad Kreuznach 5.4.1901 — Bonn 29.10.1981. German Semitist (Turkish and Arabic Scholar) also interested in Hindi. Professor in Bonn. Studies of Oriental languages (Ph.D. 1923 under E. Littmann) and law (Dr. juris 1924) at Bonn and Tübingen, then Assistant at Bonn under P. Kahle in 1925-32. PD 1927…

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SPEYER, Jacob Samuel

SPEYER, Jacob Samuel (Speijer). Amsterdam 20.12.1849 — Leiden 1.11.1913. Dutch Indologist. Professor in Amsterdam, Groningen and Leiden. Born in a Jewish family, son of the elder J. S. Speyer and Elizabet Calisch. Educated in Amsterdam, studied classics at Athenaeum there, then Sanskrit at Leiden (under Kern). Ph.D. 1872 Leiden. In 1872-73…

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ŠOR, Rozalija Osipovna

ŠOR, Rozalija Osipovna (Josifovna). Kovno (Kaunas in Lithuania) 12.(24.)6.1894 — Moscow 18.3.1939. Russian Linguist. Daughter of Iosif Solomonovič Šor and Marija Davidovna Šereševskij, a Jewish family in Lithuania (then part of Russia), her father was chemist, who soon graduated as physician. In 1900 the family moved to Moscow. Studied German,…

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SMITH, R. Morton

SMITH, Ronald Morton. Galashiels, Selkirkshire 25.8.1915 — Toronto 18.11.1996. British (Scottish) Indologist in Canada. The only child of John Smith and Margaret Leitch. Educated at Bromsgrove School near Birmingham. Studies at St.Andrews (M.A. 1939 in classics), Oxford (Pembroke College, where he after the war service passedB.A. & M.A. 1947 in…

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SŁUSZKIEWICZ, Eugeniusz Leonard. Jarosław in South-Eastern Poland 6.11.1901 — Warsaw 28.8.1981. Polish Indologist and Armenologist. Professor in Warsaw. Son of Franciszek Sł. (1875–1944), a gymnasium teacher. Educated at gymnasium in Bochnia. Studied from 1919 at Cracow classical philology, Slavistics, Germanic and IE linguistics, learnt Sanskrit from Rozwadowski. Then studied Indology…

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SIMENSCHY, Theofil. Iaşi 27.1.1892 — Iaşi 15.12.1968. Romanian Indologist and Linguist. Professor in Iaşi (Jassy). After lyceum in Iaşi studied from 1910 classical philology and German at University of Iaşi, graduated 1913. Worked as schoolteacher and participated in the WW I. From 1926 Assistant at Iaşi University, Ph.D. there 1927.…

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SEREBRJAKOV, Igor’ Dmitrievič

SEREBRJAKOV, Igor’ Dmitrievič. Sartana, Mariupolsk, gub. Ekaterinoslav (obl. Doneck), Ukraine 14.(27.)11.1917 — Ibid. 20.9.1998. Russian Indologist. Son of a Russian worker. Graduated 1940 from Philological Faculty, Leningrad. Kand. filol. nauk 1964, Dr. filol. nauk 1975. In 1940-56 in army service, in 1941-47 taught at VIIJa. In 1959-61 cultural delegate in…

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SCHMIDT, Isaak Jakob

SCHMIDT, Isaak Jakob (Jakov Ivanovič Šmidt). Amsterdam 14.10.1779 — St.Petersburg 27.8.(8.9.)1847. Dutch-born Central Asian Scholar in Russia. Academician in St. Petersburg. It is said that he was born in the Netherlands in a German (Moravian) merchant family, but Le Calloch points out that his father Johannes (Jan) Schmidt was born…

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SCHLEGEL, Friedrich

SCHLEGEL, Karl Wilhelm Friedrich (1814 von Schl.). Hannover 10.3.1772 — Dresden 12.1.1829. German Literate and Pioneer of Indology. Son of Johann Adolf Schlegel (1721–1793), Lutheran priest and author, of an old cultural family, and Erdmuthe Hübsch (1735–1811), nephew of the poet Johann Elias Schlegel (1719–1749), brother of —> A. W. von…

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SCHLEGEL, August Wilhelm von

SCHLEGEL, August Wilhelm von. Hannover 5.9.1767 — Bonn 12.5.1845. German Indologist, Classical Scholar and Art Historian. Professor in Bonn. Son of Johann Adolf Schlegel (1721–1793), Lutheran priest and author, of and old cultural family, and Erdmuthe Hübsch (1735–1811), nephew of the poet Johann Elias Schlegel (1719–1749), himself started early the…

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